Highschool!Pipercy(Mortal!Percy)Part 1

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     Just so you know, this one will have more action than fluff. Even though it's split into two parts, this is still really long. Just a warning. I hope you enjoy it!
     With a smile, Percy walked to the pool. Swimming was one of his only escapes from reality;ADHD and dyslexia didn't matter when he was in the pool. Not to mention, he could do what he loved while gaining medals and appreciation on his school's competitive swimming team.
     Percy glanced at his crush: Piper. He didn't think she'd be at the swim meet; she didn't seem to like swimming and she'd never been at one before. Unfortunately, the realization that Piper—the most beautiful girl in the school in Percy's opinion—was going to watch Percy swim made his face heat up.
     "Go, Percy!" Percy's best friend—Grover—cheered from the bleachers.
     Percy was glad for the cheering; if it hadn't happened, he might've missed the signal for him to start swimming while he was daydreaming about Piper. The whistle blew, and Percy immediately dove into the cold water. He didn't mind, though. The coldness made him work harder to warm himself.
"I have to impress Piper," Percy told himself as he started to do the breast stroke.
     Percy was glad to be a naturally good swimmer. Of course, it still took a lot of hard work to beat his competition. He happily swam as fast as he could.
     When Percy reached the end of the lane, he found three unfamiliar boys staring at him. The one on the left had a deep tan and chocolate brown hair with bangs. The one in the middle had mocha colored skin and dark hair. The one on the right had blonde hair and a bright smile. That one appeared to be staring at Piper.
     Percy looked at Piper and found her glaring at the blond boy.
     "Uh. . . Is there a reason why you three are here?" Percy asked.
     "Are you Perseus Jackson?" The boy in the middle sneered.
     "Yeah. Why?"
     "Follow us," the boy in the middle answered.
     The boys took off, and a very confused Percy followed. He ran after the boys until Piper stopped them.
     "Dylan," Piper sneered to the blonde boy.
     "Piper," the boy chuckled. "You don't have your bodyguard to protect you now,"
     "I don't need Jason to fight," Piper growled.
     The dark haired boy smirked. "Don't say things that aren't true,"
     "Good one, Tyler," Dylan complimented.
     The three boys ran off, and Piper was quick to follow. Percy's face heated up as he realized that he was still shirtless and wore nothing but his swim trunks.
     "Percy, what just happened?" Grover asked as he jogged over.
     "I don't know, but I think I should should follow,"
     With that, Percy charged after Piper and the boys. He heard a powerful boom, and Piper yelped. Immediately, Percy bolted around the corner, and found that one of the huge school's trophy cases had fallen. Three human-like figures made of what looked like dark storm clouds swirled around Piper while she gripped a bronze dagger and looked at the figures warily.
     "The boy with the blood of Poseidon," One of the figures snarled when they noticed Percy. "We have come to capture you,"
     With that, two of the figures rushed towards Percy. The other one continued to swirl around Piper.
     Percy was blown into a wall. He slumped to the ground, unconscious.
     "Leave him alone! Come fight me!" Piper screamed, fully aware that they would listen.
     Piper was attacked by all three, but she was determined to keep Percy safe. The fate of her crush was in her hands, and she wouldn't let him down.
     "Go away!" Piper shrieked at the venti.
     They left her to swirl around Percy.
     Each of the monsters became humans again.
     "Look at Piper," Dylan cooed. "She's trying to fight us off for the boy,"
     Piper grabbed the brown haired boy by the shirt and dragged him over. Before he could become wind and escape, Piper stabbed him with Katropis.
     "Who's next on the train to Tartarus?" Piper sneered.
Tyler chuckled and flicked his wrist at Piper. She was sent flying through the air like a kite. Luckily, she was dropped to the ground instead of smacking the wall. With an increasing amount of rage, Piper charged at Dylan and Tyler.
"What happened?!" Grover cried. He'd walked outside to find Percy, and found madness! Percy was unconscious, and Percy's crush as attacking two students from another school!
Mortals crowded around Grover to see what was happening.
"Piper McLean!" The gym teacher and swim coach barked. "Why are you attacking these students?!"
"We didn't do anything," Dylan cried. "We were leaving because my mom is supposed to be picking us up, but she came and attacked us! That boy followed, and they knocked down the trophy case to keep us from leaving!"
     Piper whipped her head around to glare at those scheming liars. They would not get away with this.

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