Reynico Part 2:Memories

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Nico glanced around at the hopeful faces staring at him and began to feel self-conscious. He started to fidget;he didn't like being looked at, he knew that, but the way the people were staring at him made him uneasy. The face of the beautiful woman in front of him, her face tugged at memories in the back of his head. He tried as hard as he could to remember the people standing around him, but he wasn't even aware of why he was in a hospital bed.
Finally, with a defeated sigh, Nico asked, "Who are you people?"
The girl's jaw dropped. "I-I'm Reyna. . . your wife. . .we met as teenagers,"
Nico finally remembered pieces of his life:the day his mother died of a mysterious cause when he was a little boy, the day he heard that his sister had died, his wedding. He felt as if his memories were a jigsaw puzzle, and the people around him held the pieces.
     "Wh-what's my name?" Nico asked with a frustrated tone.
     "You're Nico di Angelo," the blond girl next to Reyna answered. "I'm Annabeth Chase, they are Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Calypso, Frank Zhang, and Hazel Levesque."
     She gestured to each of the people as she said their names. Nico studied the faces of his friends, wanting with all his heart to simply be able to remember his life.
     Hazel quietly took a picture out of her purse. She handed it to Nico. He stared at it, realizing the teenage versions of his friends almost immediately. The thin, pale boy that had to be Nico was smiling warmly while his friends had their arms draped around each other's shoulders.
     His hands shook as he held on to the picture. "This is all of us, right? As teenagers?"
Hazel nodded calmly.
. . .
One month later, Nico hadn't fully recovered his memory, but he was home with Reyna. He occasionally forgot the names of his friends and it always scared him. Even forgetting small things—such as the placement of his keys or a book—bothered him.
"What if I lose all of my memory again?!" He would think fearfully.
His friends always knew to say something reassuring to calm him down, but the fear still resided in Nico. He held on to the picture of him and his friends as teenagers and Hazel had drawn him a detailed picture of each of his friends. Nico often found himself inspecting his friends' faces;looking for small details until he had their faces burned into his mind.
Reyna took him out of the house and told him about things they'd done together. His friends told him about adventures they'd all had together.
At night, Nico would constantly find himself waking up after horrible dreams of forgetting everything again and being left by his friends and Reyna because they didn't want to deal with him again.
Percy and Jason tried to help him, but they'd gotten their memory back easily.
. . .
Four months after the fateful accident, Nico had finally most of his memory back. The nightmares of getting amnesia again and everyone leaving him hadn't stopped, but had been joined by a new frequent nightmare. Nico occasionally dreamt of being in a car accident again. In his dream, all of his friends died, and he was left alone. Even worse, he was always the one driving;it was always his fault.
"Reyna. . ."He breathed one night after waking up from the car dream. "Please, I know you can't help it, but, please, don't die on me."
He didn't care if she was awake or not, he just had to tell her that.
From that night on, Nico realized that every second could be the last, so he made sure Reyna knew how much he loved her:a simple kiss or hug in the morning every day.
"Nico, come on, we're going out to dinner," Reyna called as she waited for her husband.
Nico hurried to her with a small smile to mask his fear. He feared losing her to a car accident, he feared losing the thought of her to amnesia, he feared losing her with all his heart.
"Nico, I promise with all my heart that, if I can help it, I will not die today," Reyna promised reassuringly.
Nico gave a small nod and was glad that Reyna was close enough to read him that well. He kissed her quickly and they left.

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