Reynico Part 1: Crash(adult!everyone)

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QOTO: Do you forgive Luke and Silena? Why or why not?
Reyna swore under her breath as she and Nico sat in traffic. She scowled at the red light that prevented her from driving to the dinner party she and Nico were going to.
     "Stupid traffic," Nico growled. "Jason and Piper will be so pissed when we're late."
     "Finally!" Reyna exclaimed as the light became green. She drove into the street.
     Suddenly, something slammed against the side of the car; a truck had driven straight into them! The blow was powerful enough to turn the Prius on its side. Reyna groaned and attempted to move. She found that her left arm was trapped under something, as was her left leg.
     "Nico, are you alri—NICO!" Reyna shouted when she saw that her husband had gone completely limp. He had multiple trails of blood running down from his forehead thanks to the shattered glass of his window. He had a large bruise on his forehead since his head had slammed into something.
     Reyna managed to dig her phone out and called 911.
     "Someone crashed into my car. I'm trapped in it," Reyna cried frantically as soon as someone answered the phone. "We're on—uh—the intersection between Olympic Street and Lincoln Street,"
    "Okay. Is anyone else in the car with you?"
     "Yes, my husband," Reyna struggled to keep her voice calm.
     "An ambulance is on its way. Stay calm," the operator answered.
     Reyna hung up and attempted to reach over and check Nico's heart rate, but she was trapped. She instead stared at him until she could see his chest rising slowly. He was taking shallow breaths, but at least he wasn't dead.
     Reyna called her friends to spread the news. She told each of them to go to the hospital. Then, she heard the sirens of an ambulance blaring. She was joyful as the paramedics managed to get Nico and Reyna out of their car and load them into the ambulance.
     "Whatever jerk hit the car had better hope I never meet them," Percy scowled as he and Annabeth drove to the hospital. "I swear, if one of them dies. . ."
"Percy, they will not die," Annabeth said firmly, but it was clear she was barely managing to convince herself.
She drove to the hospital, where the two of them rushed into the waiting room, where they found Jason and Piper pacing.
"Jason, Piper," Annabeth waved.
They waved back. All four of them went to the food court since they were missing their dinner. They attempted a small conversation, but the tension was obvious, and all they could focus on. When Leo, Hazel, Frank, and Calypso arrived, even Leo's jokes couldn't help.
Reyna stood above Nico's hospital bed while her friends crowded around. She smiled when he opened his eyes, but her smile faltered when she saw the look of confusion spread across his face.
Nico woke up to find a girl with a bruise on her forehead and a broken arm staring down at him. He turned his head to see that there was more unfamiliar people standing around the bed.
"Wh-who are you people?" Nico questioned.

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