Reynico: She's Gone

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Feels. Just. . .feels.
It's my fault. It's all my fault! She's gone, and I could've protected her!
"She trusted me to be her only companion on her quest. Reyna trusted me to keep her from dying if she needed it," I scowled to myself.
"Nico!" She had shouted to warn me that one of the empousai was behind me.
That moment was all it took for all five of the seven empousai that were attempting to attack her to tackle her. I charged at them, but found myself tackled and pinned to the ground by another empousa. Reyna struggled to move under the five monsters while screaming curses in Latin. I had cried out when one of the wretched monsters grabbed Reyna's sword, and ran Reyna through with it.
"You should've been ready," I told myself angrily.
I forced myself out of the painful flashback before I could find myself in tears again. I got out of my bed and decided to shadow travel to a small forest clearing I'd found a month ago. I use it for summoning ghosts and just being alone with the nymphs. I've honestly become friends with a few nymphs ever since they shielded me from my friends when I wanted to be alone.
I stumbled into the barely lit clearing and grabbed a six-pack of Coke. Obviously, I keep the clearing stocked with food and drinks. I filled the hole in the middle of my small clearing, and went through 3 six-packs doing so. I then poured the contents of 5 Happy Meals into the hole and made a mental note to restock the food.
I unsheathed my Stygian Iron sword and summoned Reyna's soul. I kept the other ghosts back until Reyna floated forward. Maybe I should've prepared myself, because I fell to my knees at the sight of her.
"Reyna, I-I'm sorry. I should've been ready for the empousai to attack me," I blinked back tears.
"Nico, don't hold a grudge against yourself," Reyna warned. "Forgive yourself;I'm not mad at you,"
"If I hadn't distracted you, then you'd still be alive,"
"Nico, stand up. I'm in Elysium, and once again, I'm not mad at you,"
I quietly stood up to face Reyna with tears streaming down my face. She smiled and slid off her magic ring. She grabbed my hand and placed the ring in it. Somehow, the ring materialized in my hand so I could put it on.
She disappeared and I didn't protest. Instead, I slid the ring onto my finger and shadow traveled back to my cabin.

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