Leico/Valdangelo: Ice

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This one is pretty long and prepare for feels at the end. QOTO: Least favorite minor character?
     "Leo. . . I don't think ice skating on a frozen lake is the safest idea," Nico warned as Leo dragged him to a tiny lake that was close to camp.
      "Calm down, Death Boy," Leo joked. "I'm more ready for this, and if I get surprised, then I could easily burn the ice and drown."
      "You're not exactly making be feel better, Valdez,"
     Leo chuckled and scooped up a clump of snow in his hand. He jogged ahead a few yards before he spun around and hit Nico with a snowball. Leo was cracking up as Nico glared at him.
     "I'm going get you, Valdez!" Nico ran after Leo, who, in turn, charged away.
     They bolted towards the frozen lake while occasionally pelting each other with snowballs. Nico forgot his sorrows in that moment as he and Leo enjoyed themselves and laughed. 
      "I hit you with more snowballs," Leo announced victoriously once they were at the lake.
     Nico couldn't think of a good comeback, so he silently put on the ice skates Leo had gotten from the Stolls. Leo smirked and did the same.
     The two of them slowly skated around the outside of the lake, testing its thickness. Together, they started increasing their pace while remaining hand-in-hand until they were speeding around the lake.
     Finally, they separated and raced around the ice, only falling a few times each.
     "Hey, check this out, Death Boy!" Leo skated across the center of the lake and managed to leap up as high as he could. When he landed, though, he slipped and fell. In his surprise, Leo burst into flames and melted the ice under him, immediately falling.
     "LEO!" Nico shrieked while he raced towards his boyfriend.
     "HELP ME!" Leo cried out as he grabbed at the ice, searching for a handhold that would keep him from going under.
     The icy water made Leo shake too much to find a handhold, and he sank under. Leo thrashed wildly with hopes to reach the hole he'd fallen into while trying not to breathe.
     Nico's shouts sounded distant and distorted.
"He won't reach me," Leo thought sadly.
     As the world faded to black for Leo, he thought he saw an arm reaching into the water.
     Nico was fully aware of how stupid sticking his arm and head into freezing water was, but that didn't stop him from doing just that. He sucked in his breath and shoved his head and shoulder under. He desperately felt around in the water until his fingers grazed Leo's coat. Nico went farther under so he could grab Leo's coat in his fist and struggled to pull them up. He grew even more panicked when he realized he was almost out of air. 
     In a panicked fit, Nico accidentally took a breath, but managed to push his head out of the water. He had a coughing fit, and almost released Leo, before he returned to attempting to save his boyfriend.
     Tears were running down Nico's face as he desperately tried to pull Leo up. He pulled Leo up to the point where he could grasp Leo's arms.
    "Come on, Leo! I won't let you drown!" Nico pulled Leo's hands until  they were above the water.
     Nico found new hope—and new strength. He pulled until Leo's head was above the surface. . .then his chest. . . then his waist. . .then his knees. . .and, finally, Nico triumphantly got Leo's full body out of the water. His coat was tarred.
      Nico only knew basic CPR, but he wanted to save Leo with all of his heart. He couldn't let another person who was close to him die! And, where there's a will, there's a way.
     Nico did the combination of chest pumps and blowing into Leo's mouth until Leo finally sputtered and coughed.
     "Wha—Nico?! Y-you saved my life?!"
      Instead of an answer, Leo received a passionate kiss.
     When they broke away, Nico realized that Leo was shaking wildly.
"I need to get him to camp as fast as possible. He can take a warm bath or something," Nico thought.
     "N-nico, wh-when I was underw-water, I w-wondered i-if death was really all th-that bad," Leo whimpered.
     Nico nodded with a sad, but understanding expression. "I've thought about the same thing. But, there are always people who'll suffer from those thoughts, and it's hardly ever just the thinker,"
      Nico grabbed Leo and found a shadow. They shadow-traveled to the Hades cabin, but Nico went back to get their shoes.

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