You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not. - Jodi Picoult.
Chapter 4
I was right, my password idea was right! The blond, british lady from the projecter, seemed to travel through thin air, because she disapeared from the screen and a few seconds later there she was, in the middle of the column.
She welcomed us. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Pate. Welcome back. The Cloud Company welcomes you. Three days until the moon landing mission." Then she gliched, and sounded like a broken record. I looked at Jessica and she gave me the I have no idea look. As far as I'm concerned ther was no moon landing mission five years ago or earlier, maybe this is going to be in the future, but why would she directly speak to my parents "As you know when we send a spaceship up to the moon, nobody shall know about it. Not even your children." That's why I had no idea about it. "Mr. Pate The Cloud wants to thank you for you substantial donation to the company, and Mrs. Pate, we insure your new found family will be one hundred percent safe, during the mission." Then in the column she walked backwards to the middle of the screen. "Now listen closely." She disappered from the screen and a moon appeared. "When Mr. Johnson, Mr. Fredrick, and Mr. Langdon travel to the moon, everyone part of this company and there familes, will be taken to the underground bunkers." So why didn't mine and Kennan's family go? "We have been doing research on the moon, and we have reason to believe that there are resources in the core that Earth could need for humanity to surivive. Which even includs oil."
The picture of the moon changed to the moon cut in half, to where it showed layers. It looked like a replica of the Earth because there was an inner and outer core, a mantle and a crust layer. In the mantle it showed lots of resources, that the lady said was needed for us to surivive. "now we believe that if we can find a way to take a tool that can drill a hole, even if it is a tiny hole, we can find out if our predicament was correct or not.'
The screen went to a small camera, that looked like the ones they used to use in surgical procedures, and a tiny hole that looked like the silky white surface of the moon. "Mr. Pate and Mrs. Pate I bet you are wondering why we have to go to bunkers. We have extensively studied the moon rocks and dust that the Appollo 11 Moon Landing brought back and we realized there are traces of carbon monoxide in it. We are concered that if we do drill, the horrific gas will be released, and eventually reach the Earth." I looked at Jessica and she had tears in her eyes. Before I could blink the column turned red and the room turned red, a new man came on the screen.
"Ahh, Mr. and Mrs. Pate." He was a bigger man and had a beard, he looked like he was one of the evil, rich people in movies. Then Jessica screamed. I ran to her and comforted her, but also tried to be quiet cause I wanted to hear this. "So lovely to hear from you again, how are the Kennan's, I haven't heard from them. In a while." Then he paused, like this was a recorded conversatation. "I finally found out about your leaving the company and I was very saddend to hear about this. I hope the Kennan's didn't have any influence on you to leave, considering they left shorlty before you did. You Mr. Pate." Then he paused again, by this time I knew it was a video call, and I knew it took place a few weeks before the apoclypse. I could just imagine my father was probably standing in the excact place that I am and my expectant mother sitting down behind him.
The man continued. "It sure is ashame, considering, how great a donataion you made to the company, it will definatly get us to and from space. Oh how is Miss Katy, I mean she never calls. I sure would like to talk to my grandaughter every so often. I also can't wait to see my new grandchild, be sure to send pictures Elle. Well considering you surivie." He walked off the screen with an evil laugh.
The room went dark, and the column disappeared. The only light was a small light coming from the tunnel, telling me it was about to get dark. I whispered to Jessica, not feeling safe at all, "Who was that man."
Who We Really are
Science FictionI started to count to ten. 1. he kissed my cheek. 2. he cupped my face. 3. he let go. 4. I could hear...