Chapter 19

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"All of us have moments in out lives that test our courage." -Erma Bombeck

Chapter 19

The first camp we visited was Ryan and the adults. Ryan looked more tired than the adults. They were all pretty fit for their ages.

Some people looked glad to see me and some looked ready to kill me. I smiled, hopefully it reassured the people that wanted to decapitate me that I was here to help and not hurt. I whispered to Jessica asking what I should say.

"Wing it." Great, I'm not the best at winging it. I took a deep breath and started.

"I hope training is going well for you all. You guys and gals," Why did I say that? "Have one of the best trainers around." I looked at Ryan for some help, he just shrugged his shoulders. "So everyday I'll be stopping by to see how it's going." How do I end this? "So, um, don't mind me." Someone help. "Ryan?" I said his name to pass the conversation to him but I said it more in the form of a question than a statement. At least it was over. "Alright, positions." The adults took their stance, they had their feet shoulder length apart, I never really got that statement but if it floats your boat why not use it. I noticed that Lauren was right. The women way outnumbered the men. That was kind of a scary thought thy if we don't win it'll just be women left to care for the Survivors.

I walked around acting like I knew what I was doing, and examining them. But I wasn't. I was thinking about what the Cloud was doing to Katy. Was she fine? was she hurt or tortured? Is she in a cell like I was? Is she being forced to work for them? Is she dead?

I immidatly stopped walking, and Jessica who was walking behind me, paying attention to Ryan, ran straight into me and I almost fell over.

"What the..." Jessica was about to say something, then she realized she was in front of adults who already don't like her, so she didn't continue.

I can't believe I thought that. There is not a chance that they killed that poor, helpless little ten year old. No way they would do that.

They wouldn't kill her because Torrent knows that, even though I barely knew her, I would come rescue her. She was my bait, I was the fish swimming straight towards the hook and line that Torrent was using to reel me in and kill me.

"Let's go." I said hooking my arm in hers. I wanted to leave as soon as I could. I just wanted all of this to be over. We started walking away. Jessica stopped and looked back at Ryan, she smiled and gave a little wave. I could tell she didn't want anyone to notice, but I wasn't that stupid. Ryan returned the exchange and we were off.

I raised an eyebrow towards Jess. "What? you can have a lover and I can't?"

"I knew it."

"Knew what?"

"That you and Ryan had a thing."

"And I knew you and Ken had thing." She said as we walking. She was right though. It was her that brought how Kennan felt about me to my attention.

"How come you guys don't actually show it? You both like each other. Why not show it?" I asked.

"We both work for the Cloud. And they don't allow relationships between there workers. We just got so used to hiding it that we forget that we won't get killed for feeling here."

"Oh." I paused. I could see Kennan and the kids in the distance. We were about five minutes away from them. "Do the Survivors know what you did?" I immediately regretted asking the question as soon as I said it. "I'm sorry you don't has to answer that."

"No it's fine. They do. The kids don't really know that i was partly to blame for the loss of 85 people. They dont get that, but the adults do. They've resented me since the minute I got here. I guess I just give bad vibes to people. But now, now they hate me even more."

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