Is It Finally All Over

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"Don't come any closer" the man warned moving the gun down to Meryl stomach

"okay, okay but give me my baby please" Meryl pleaded as she slowly walked backward

"give me the money " the man demanded as Don walked up to give him his money

"okay a deal is a deal" Don said pointing to his daughter

"fair is fair" the man answered putting Grace down on the ground

"my baby" Meryl cried tears streaming down her face as she held out her arms for her youngest daughter "mommy loves you so much she won't let anything ever happen to you again" Grace jumped into her mothers open arms the very second the man released her

"I wuv you mama" Grace whispered

"I love you too my baby" Meryl replied tears flowing freely

"now leave and don't ever come back" the man demanded

"okay but I have one more questioned" Don said as he turned around

"what' the man said agitated

"why" the second this word left Don's lips the door was busted down by the feds seconds later the man was pined to the ground

when the feds where walking him out of the building he looked Don in the face a said "why you want to know why because of you having the perfect life will the ones that look up to you aren't good enough"

"what you bastard I believed in you and don't you fucking dare say that I said she wasn't good enough I just didn't love her enough to marry her like she wanted me to but you can tell her if she ever so thinks about fucking touch my family again I'm going to fucking kill her" Don warned they put Paul in the car

the head officer, Officer Viktor walked over to talk with them after Don rejoined his wife and daughter.

"honey what was that all about" Meryl questioned

"I will explain later" Don said as he shook the officer hand

"hello my name is Officer Viktor you can call me Vik for short but let us get down to business" Greeted Viktor.

"okay sound good to me" Meryl answered

"okay so Don how do you know the perp" aksed Vik

"yes he is my ex wife's new fiance" Don said

"I see"Vik inquired "angry ex's got to watch out for them especially the clingy ones"

"that is for sure but I want to see it that her never is a free man again along with his fiance" Don concluded"

"sounds fine with me" Vik said "if you have any questioned feel free to call me" he said as he handed them his card

"thank you kind sir" Meryl said shaking his hand

"anytime ma lady " Viktor bowed


later on after they got home.

"mommy I'm tired" Gracie whined

"okay sweetie do you want me to sing you to sleep" Meryl asked

"yeah" Gracie chirped

Meryl had Don carry Gracie up stairs and lay her on their bed. they all laid on the bed with Gracie in the middle. Meryl started to sing to her daughter to make her fall asleep. she sung hush little baby.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring

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