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The song above has parts in it that I believe would be something someone would believe when something like this would happen so someone so please in enjoy the song while you read this update

soon the days turned into weeks and the weeks where turning into months and Meryl was mending the hole the had been ripped open in her heart and her a Don had fixed their broken relationship and a cry in the dark had been finished and they where now back in Salisbury

Meryl was out getting the mail one day and she saw a husband and wife walking with there infant and she allowed a single tear to roll down her cheek knowing that could have been her and Don with Blake but she believed that one day she would have a second chance and that time she would try harder and carry that baby to term

she smiled and waved then walked back into the house before she broke down she had had enough of the break downs and her emotional wall she had built for herself after John's death she hated the feeling of not being able to control her emotion and she felt bad that Don had to deal with her emotional outbursts she felt bad also because he felt like he couldn't cry in front of her but she planned on changing that she knew he needed and outlet so she was going to give him one


that night after the kids where put down for bed Meryl and Don climbed into bed and as soon as they hit the bed Meryl embraced Don in a hug pulling his head to her breast and the moment his head hit her breast he let out and very manly wail and started to sob uncontrollably as he sobbed he wrapped his arms around Meryl's midsection all Meryl did was slowly pet his head and lull him and she kissed his head every now and then he was her rock and now it was time for her to be his her nightgown was now covered in his salty tears but she didn't care just as long as Don finally got to let it all out

"I - I tried " Don sobbed

"what what did you try my love" Meryl asked pulling his head away from her to look at him and she pulled her top hand up and wiped his cheeks

"I tried to not cry in front of you because I thought you would think less of me is I cried in front of you because I supposed to be your rock not the other way around" Don sniffled

"oh my love I know you don't like feeling week in front of me but we are married and in that we agreed to be there for each other through better or worse ok and I would never think less of you for showing some emotions for once" Meryl said before she kissed him on the forehead "I love you no matter what you do I will forever love you that is my job is to care for you and our children even if i didn't have my acting I will still care for you till the day I die"Meryl said as she rest her back against the mattress and rest his head on her chest

"I love you so much my love" Don sniffled

"You know we should sleep like this more often I like having you rest on me rather than me resting on you" Meryl giggled and soon they fell asleep like that 


the following day  they woke up before the children and decided to make breakfast together and then  wake the children but first they stopped by each child's room to see them sleeping peacefully making the smile 

"so what should we make for breakfast" Meryl asked

"hhhhmmmm french toast and bacon maybe some sausage"  Don said 

"mmmm sounds yummy" Meryl giggled

"so i get the bacon you get the sausage and the french toast" Don said

"sounds good"Meryl said getting a bowl down and breaking three eggs into it then she whisked them ten added some milk with some cinnamon with a cap full of vanilla extract and whisked it together vigorously then walked over to the stove where Don had already had the pan sprayed and hot she took the texas toast and dipped it in the mix then placed it on the pan and she repeated this till she had the pan filled then she placed the sausage links in the pan soon the where done and Don came over to her and placed a passionate kiss on her lips and while there tongues danced with each  their hands started to roam the other body and soon they cover up the food to keep it warm and ran up stairs and into the bedroom when they reached the room they began to pull off each others clothes Don gently picked Meryl up and she wrapped her legs around him and they kissed passionately as Don laid her Down on the bed and they made slow passionate love not sex or fucking but love


afterwords they went and warmed up the food because it got cold and then they went and woke the kids up and they ate their breakfast as a family 

Meryl finished before everyone else and she sat back in her seat and watched her family eat and that when she realized yer she will always miss Blake but the world wasn't ready for him and she was ok with that fact and yes she will always morn for her son and what he could have but they will learn from this and it will bring them closer together but she can't miss what is happening in the present in order to morn the loss of her unborn son at this she let her finally tear for him fall gracefully down her cheek and Don noticed this little tear and gave her a "are you ok" look and at this she nodded happily and wiped the tear off her cheek and smiled at her husband lovingly and at that moment Don realized what was running through his wife mind he had finally gotten to her which made him happy

"who says we go to the Park today and have a picnic for lunch"Meryl smiled

We Are The Gummers  (part one)Where stories live. Discover now