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weeks later they where going to start back to school shopping for Mamie and Henry because school was going to start in two weeks so they got new backpacks and the whole nine yards but that doesn't matter as long as her family was happy that is all that Meryl ever cared about and they where and Meryl was acting in a new comedy called she devil she started a month or so ago 


the first day of school Meryl got the kids up and dressed and gave them breakfast while she got Grace up a dressed then gave her to Don so she could go up stair an get out of her robe and get dressed when she came back down stairs and the kids where waiting for her in the living room because she wanted to get pictures of them on their first day of school the kids least favorite tradition they all hated picture except for Grace she loved having her picture taken well they where all like that when they where her age so they lined up on the front porch with their groans and grumbles of protest but they where soon shut out their mother asked them to smile  and they did so for her when the pictures where done the bus was barreling down the road so she shooed the kids down the road and brought Grace back inside to get her ready for daycare they had to grab blanky and bun-bun her nap time friend as they called them  and she had to get ready for work 


when she was done getting ready for work she kissed Don good bye and took Grace to daycare then headed to set when she made it to set she immediately was sent back to  hair a make up then from hair and make up to costumes then to set today they where shooting most of her scenes because she had off the next day and she was going to spend the day with Don just her and Don something they both desperately needed they where going to spend the whole day together because the kids where going to their grandparent for the weekend so they had the whole weekend together for a much needed vacation just the two of them they where going to s private beach they rented out for the next three days  and she couldn't wait because Don said it was surprise where they where staying 


after work that day she went and picked up the kids from school and brought them home because they where going to have a family game night before the kids had to leave the next day the played games like twister and monopoly or uno and dominos where the four games they played then they finished the night off with a movie


  the kids had fallen asleep on the couch in there pj's so Don and Meryl carried them to bed once the kids where in bed they went up stairs and laid in bed Don lay behind her and wrapped his arms around her as if saying I will protect you and she knew it she knew that no matter what happened between the two of them that they would always come back to each other no matter the circumstances that night the made slow and passionate love with each other  


the next morning Meryl got the kids around while Don got the car ready for the road trip when the kids where off to school Meryl called her mother who was supposed to pick the kids up after school that day 

"yeah we will have fun mom tell daddy I said hi love you too mmhhmm bye" Meryl said hanging up as Don walked in the room

"all set" he ask wrapping his arms around her waist

"yeah I ready to get to the beach so we can have that vacation we have been dying to have" she said turning around in his arms a planting a passionate kiss on his lips he picked her up and carried her to the car bridal style then ran back to the house to lock the door then ran back to the car with a laughing Meryl inside he smiled at the sight of his wife laughing he loved her laugh he started the car and drove off down the road towards their destination the mood was about to be enlightened in the Gummer house hold and that was something all the Gummer's needed even the none present ones and the ones that where Gummer's not by blood but by marriage 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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