When You Think It Is All Over (part 1)

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"What was that" Don questioned

"I-I-I-I think it was the baby saying hi I'm ok no need to worry about me oh and p.s. I Love You" Meryl cried happy tears

"I-I-I-I thought it was to early for me to feel it" Don asked befuddled

"well done we have a big and strong baby growing in there and all of the other ones where like that which is a good thing" Meryl informed her.

"yeah I guess so this feeling never gets old I mean never " Don gushed "and every time I'm will ask what does it feel like"

"like you a drum being played by little drumsticks it feels amazing"Meryl giggles

"and every time it is a different answer I love you" Don says kissing her Meryl grabs his face and deepens the kiss

"Don we can't Dr.Kitts said we can't do anything that strenuous" Meryl whimpered

"awe" Don whined like a little kid not getting the toy her really wanted

"I know and plus we have children to attend to inside of this here house they are probable wondering where we are" Meryl said

" I guess your right" Don says as he hops out of the car and heads over to Meryl's side

"when aren't I" Meryl giggled taking Don's out stretch hand and with that they walked into the house arm and arm with smiles as wide as the grand canyon


a month has past since the little scare and they where going to take the kids to their appointment today they where going to see if they can find out the babies sex so they wanted the kids to be there when they found out Grace and Mamie both wanted a little sister and Henry well he wanted a brother he was tired of being over ruled when it came to games at the house.

"ugh baby Gummer is so big that nothing fits comfortably ugh what I going to do Baby Gummer you my friend are grounded" Meryl laughed

"already grounding the poor kid" Don questioned as he walked up behind her and rapped his hands around her waist he kissed her bare should for all she had on was her pajama bottoms and a bra she was standing in their master bedroom in front of there full body mirror with her hands resting on her stomach with Don's resting gently on hers as he placed sweet gentle little kisses down her neck and across her shoulder till her reached her stomach he got down on his knees and placed both hands on the sides of her stomach making Meryl move her hands from her stomach to her husband's head she ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her on the stomach repeatedly till he broke the silence" hey baby it's daddy he just want to tell you he loves you and that he is happy that your mommy is carrying you he wouldn't have it any other way and you scared us with that little stunt you pulled a month ago but all is well and know we get to find out what you are going to be and then we can name you how does that sound hmmm baby how does that sound name for you so we can stop calling you Baby Gummer Daddy and Mommy love you so very much" said Kissing her stomach when their children came rushing making Meryl run out of Don's grasp and run to grab her robe

"mom not like we haven't seen your boobs before for Pete's sake that is where we ate for the first year of our life's I mean I have seen them after that when they were babies" Henry remarked pointing to his sisters

"that's enough cockiness Mister" Meryl said pulling on a graphic-t

"but hey I'm telling the truth" Henry defended

"how about we get dressed so that way we can go see the baby" Don said hurrying the children out of the room


In the car

"so who thinks the baby is a girl and who thinks it is a boy" Meryl hummed chiperly on their way to the doctors office

"I finks jirl" Grace chimed first

"I second that" Mamie said

"nah I think it will be a boy" Henry hummed


as they where waiting in the room Meryl was laying silently on the table with her shirt pulled up she was drawing little hearts on her stomach Henry was reading with Mamie and Grace was listening intently and Don was studying his wife

"Meryl darling what are you thinking about Hmm" Don asked

"nothing I Just I haven't no never mind it it just nothing just me being a worry wort" Meryl said looking over at Don

"no it is not nothing now tell me" Don demanded

"I...well...I....Um" Meryl said but Dr.Kitts came in with the ultrasound machine

"Ok folks lets find out what kind of baby we are havin'" Dr.Kitts said

"sounds good to me Gracie come here" Meryl said reaching her hands out to her daughter Don picked Grace up and placed her on the bed next to Meryl

"This will be cold" Dr.Kitts warned as she put the gel on her stomach making Meryl flinch at the cold sensation withing seconds they heard that lovely sound that is the heart beat of an unborn baby bringing tears to both parents eyes then they all saw the little child growing in their mothers stomach

"mommy what dat" Grace implored

"that my darling is your little brother or sister" Meryl told her daughter

"actually it is a.....

We Are The Gummers  (part one)Where stories live. Discover now