Chapter 1

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I ran to the kitchen where she was.

"What do you want now?" I hissed

"Why didnt you clean this plate bitch?"

You must be kidding me. I left my homework to clean a plate.

"fucking clean it yourself!" And saying this was not such a good idea. She took a metal spoon which was on the counter and before I knew it. My blood was streaming down my face.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND!" I screamed. She hit me again and the blood clouded my vision. Trust me it fucking burn when the blood get in your eyes.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE" Sue my fucked up step-mother screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I swear this is so not over." I yelled over my shoulder as I ran out of the house and started running in the dark streets of Forks.

It was raining and I was wearing a half sleeve shirt with short shorts. I was shivering and couldn't see clearly from the blood in my eyes. I was also dizzy like hell.

I fell on the middle of the road when I couldn't feel my legs any longer and lost conscious.

The last thing I heard was a long and loud horn. I wish someone would end this fucking life of mine.

I dont count myself even living.

My mom died giving birth to me. My father followed her when I was ten but he left me with his wife. THIS LITTLE BITCH I mean she is 20 and Im 17.

See my fucking problem? I dont know what did my father see in her. Maybe her huge ass and big boobs. Yeah he was that kind of men.

She barely gave me something to eat. I work as a waitress in Diner. But the money I make is not enough to keep me feed and buy clothes and things needed for the school.

After what seemed like forever I finally could sense my surroundings. Due to the beebing I was hearing and the awful silence I knew I was in hospital.

How did I come here?

I have no clue.

But what about the car. Why didnt it kill me. Im gonna kill that driver for not killing me.

My left leg and arm and my left side of my head where that bitch hit me burned like acid.

But wait a minute how the hell does my leg and arm hurt? I slowly opened my eyes. Blinking hundred times.

Turn that freaking light off you idiots. I mean we are in a hospital where patients sleep almost all the day. why do they need all that freaking light.

Here we go

I opened my eyes and found my arm and leg in casts. Great. Just great. Now who the fuck will take care of me. And What about school. How am I suppose to walk to school now. Life is getting better and better

The bright side is: I wont see my beloved bitch unless I feel good enough to get out of the hospital. You know what although I hate the light I think the hospital isnt a really bad Idea.

The bad thing is that I am fucking starving and no one is here.

How long have I been sleeping anyway.

After one of the longest 30 minutes in my life. A nurse came in. Now Im thirsty, hungry and pissed too.

"Hello. I see, you're awake" Really I didnt know.

"Yeah I can see that too"

"Do you remember what happened"

"I remember that I was fucking pissed off because that god damn bit-" I realized that Im talking to a nurse not a sailor "Because my step mother hit me with a spoon and I ran in the rain until I lost conscious and the last thing I heard was a long horn."

"Umm interesting"

Ya think!


C'mon spill it

"What?" When I feel better Im gonna teach this nurse a lesson; not to mess with me when Im pissed

"Aren't you going to tell me something.. Like what the hell had happened or what the fuck is wrong with me or anything?"

"Umm.. I dont know let me get you a nurse"

WHAT THE FUCK? A nurse went to get a nurse. Im so gonna love this hospital.

"Hey sis Sup?"

Am I dreaming? Or Am I in a psychiatric hospital?

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

"Nothin sis youre perfectly fine" If I wasnt in a cast I swear to god I would've chased this girl to death. Im not even sure if she is a female.

"IM IN FUCKING CASTS.. you know what why dont you get me a doctor.. A REAL doctor please. Who can understand humans"

"Choose Simon, Jason or Carlisle"

"I will go with Carlisle."

"Okay gurl enjoy his company but save me some"

You got to be kidding me.

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