Chapter 18

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we were all laughing and having fun. Good thing this kitchen is big. We were 8 women working at the same time.

I was cutting some tomatoes when Edward and Jake came in the room wearing tux. God Edward looked so sexy in this tux and Jake looked so cute. The got on one knee in front of me and gave me to flowers. "Please tell them to unground us" They both said. Esme and Carmen laughed. Kate said "Oh this is so sweet"

Irina, Alice and Rose were smiling hugely. Tanya was... wait is that vapour coming out of her ears?

"Umm let me think" I said.

They stood up and Edward kissed my right cheek while Jake kissed my left one. "Please" They whispered in my ears. I giggled. "Okay okay. Esme Carmen Please unground them. They are sweet" I hugged them both together.

"Okay but get out of the kitchen we are busy" Carmen said. Edward kissed me and they both jumped out of the kitchen cheering. I giggled. Life cant get any better.

"So.. How long have you been with Edward?" Tanya asked.

"6 months. Esme I finished the tomatoes give me something else to do"

"Okay honey put the turkey in the boiling water"

I did as Esme told me. "So you love him?" Guess who asked

"Yeah I do"

"He loves you?" Again Guess who asked

"More than you can ever imagine" I smirked at her and mouthed 'mine' She groaned and throw the towel on the floor. she went out of the kitchen.

"Sorry about that" Kate said.

"Its okay" I said and continued cooking.

We finished pretty fast.

"I will go call the boys. Who wants to come with me?" I asked when we place the plates and everything on the dining table.

"Me" Kate said.

"Take me with you" Rosalie said.

We went to Carlisle study. Rosalie knocked on the door.

"Come in" Carlisle said.

"Dinner is ready" Kate said and we walked to Emmetts room. Empty. We went to Jaspers room. Empty. We went to Edwards room. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Edward asked.

"Room service sir" I said in British accent.

"You may come in my lady" He said in a British accent too. But his was better than mine. Because hes actually British. He used to teach me how to speak in British accent but I never get it like he does.

I opened the door and saw all the boys on the floor doing something. I sat on Edwards shoulder and he held my hands.

"Dinner is ready kids" I said.

"Hey Im older than you" Jake pouted. I laughed then I felt Edward moving. He stood up. I crossed my arms over his chest

"Edward put me down" I screamed.

"Say we are not kids."

"Youre not kids put me down"

"Tell me you love me"

"Put the girl down" Jasper said.

"I love you put me down please"

Everyone in the room was laughing UGH!

Edward turned me around so I was facing him. he let go of one hand. I screamed. He took my leg which was on his shoulder and wrapped it on his waist. He did the same with the other one.

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