Chapter 35

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We went to the far end of the limo and I kept Bella on my lap, her head resting on my shoulder and her legs on the couch that we were sitting on. Mom and Dad sat at the right side of us. I was just glad that they were at least here. Showing their love without doing much. I didn't want someone to say anything or give her those pity looks that I know she doesn't like. I just want to hold my girl and take all of her pain away. Esme and Carlisle knew her and me quiet well. They just sat their in silence while mom placed her hand on my knee. Telling me in her own way that they are here for us.

Bella's Hand moved to the back of my neck and my grip on her waist tightened.

If she's having one of those dreams again...

Just as I thought about it. Her eyes became tightly shut and her grip on my neck became more and more tight until her nails were digging into my flesh and I was sure I would find blood there later.

"Bella" I said gently shaking her.

"Carlisle" She breathed.

Carlisle's expression became pained as he tried to wake her up with me.

"Bella sweetie wake up" He tried.

"Love please wake up" I said shaking her more firmly trying to wake her up before the dream actually end because trust me I know those nightmare. They never end well.

"Please don't hurt him" She begged tears streaming down her face and I just couldn't take it anymore. "Bella!" I yelled.

"NOOOO!" she screamed as her eyes flow open and she gasped for air and looked around until her eyes landed on Carlisle and she throw her hands around him hugging him for her dear life while shaking from the silent sobbing.

Always silent.. Always trying to be tough.. Always hidding her pain.

Carlisle stroke her hair and said calming words to her.

The angry in me seemed to shake me. I've always wanted this guy to be alive so I can kill him with my bare hands but now after seeing how he's hurting the love of my life just by being alive. I really want to drink from his blood while he's still alive. To hurt him, to kill him slowly and painfully for doing this to my sweet little innocent Bella.

My own Angel. If I can only take her pain away...

Finally when she calmed down a little. And returned to my arms.

I kissed her forehead and she whispered. her voice thick from crying " I don't wanna sleep."

Esme seemed to think about it then she smiled.

"How about.." She trailed off and Bella gave her, her attention. "A little display" Esme finished and grapped Carlisle from his shirt and kissed him hard. They poor guy was totally shocked but he quickly recovered and kissed her back.

I chuckled at my parents shaking my head.

"Ah! my eyes" Bella said giggling covering her eyes "They burn"

They pulled away and Esme replied without losing the smile that was on her face. "Oh like we don't have to particularly watch you and Edward have it in front of us." She said with a little giggle in the end.

Bella blushed as she looked me in the eyes and my mind was filled with peaceful and blessed images of me and my Angel. All Alone. In our room. Yesterday.

When she was kissing my bare shoulder, biting on my neck. sending shivers through my body when she touched my chest. no matter how many times she touch me my reaction to her will never change.

Me playing with her hard nibble. hearing her soft moan as I told her I love her once I entered her tight, wet, hot core.

Her screaming my name as she came hard around me digging her nails in my shoulders.

As images and images flashed in front of my eyes I couldn't help stroking her cheek with the back of my fingers and I leaned down to kiss her. My lips were barely touching hers when dad interrupted us rudely really really rudely.

"Oh no you didn't" he said pointing at us.

I just laughed at how dramatic he is. Esme finally understood and her mouth fell to the ground as she looked between me and Bella.

I knew they will react like that. I saw it before with Rosalie and Emmett then Alice and Jasper.

"No you are too young. You-" I placed my hand over mom's mouth because I was pretty sure what was coming next. Endless and endless loads of speeches and she won't stop until dad lose control and kiss her to make her stop talking then they will get a little carried away and then they will totally forget about us and head to their room to finish what they started and the next morning the same thing will happened again and again until they feel tired and end up talking with us about how to be careful.

And really, seriously.. a 13 year old kid knows how to be careful when it comes to sex they don't have to talk about it. we are in the 21st century for God sake.

But the problem is. We are in a limo. they won't have a room to go to and I was so so so not ready to watch my parents do it in front of me in a limo. Not that they will actually do it. They won't.. will they?

No way they wont.

Anyways I spoke before she can speak around my hand "Mom we are engaged for God sake and no we are not young and yes we know how to be careful and no you don't have to have this crazy awkward talk to explain anything" I removed my hand and She took in a deep breath. Bella was giggling beside me.

"We should have took pictures of their faces at least" She whispered laughing but she knew we all could hear her.

Okay so we spend about the whole ride back home trying to convince them that we know what we are doing and that we are taking fucking precautions. Okay I did bella just laughed. Bella found it hilarious. I found it Goodman annoying. I don't like it when people talk about generally sex life now that they are talking about MINE I think I snapped once or twice but they waved it off because they know I didn't like that talk normally but I think they did it on purpose and I was stupid enough to understand in the end that they were actually doing this on purpose to take things off of Bella's mind. I was kinda grateful but I mean they could have choose any other topic. They choose the subject that annoy me to talk about because they knew I will get angry and Bella thinks I'm 'adorable' when I'm angry. Not with her of course. I'm never angry with her. I can't stay angry with her more then 3 seconds which is a record if you ask. once she flashes me that dazzly smile of hers I forget everything and focus on the Angel that came from heaven just to be mine. And only mine. I'm not the sharing kinda guy. not at all.

When we arrived Bella was kinda better. At least she was laughing and smiling and that's all I want from her to be.. happy.

A maid opened the door of the limo and we all got out.

Most of the maids were standing out of the house. Half of them bowed and the other just stood there staring at me. Sometimes I hate that I used to work out before. I mean staring is still consider rude right?

"See why I asked if you wanted the shirt" Dad whispered to me.

I throw my head back and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Esme asked.

"The fact that every maid is picturing my fiance in their beds right now." Bella said giggling. Esme joined her and I throw my arm over Bella's shoulder. Kissing her temple "But you know I'm yours" I said.

"That I do" She answered with a grin.

We finally went in the house. We took Carlisle and Esme in a tour. When we finished it we all sat in the living room after I put on a shirt and Bella took off the dress and put on more comfy clothes.

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