Chapter 20

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A/N If anyone has any ideas and wants to share them. Message me or Comment here. I will read  all your ideas and see if I can put them in the story. If the idea was good and wont change how the story ends. I will write it with a little edit from me and I will dedicate the chapter to the one with the idea.

"EVERYONE IN THE DINING ROOM NOW" I heard Esmes voice downstairs. I went there and sat on the chair. Everyone was staring at me. "Ahem.. Edward" Bella said.


"Your shirt" I looked at my shirt. Shit I wasnt wearing any. I flow upstairs and put on the first shirt i saw. Then I went to them.

"Sorry" I said blushing. Last thing I want is Tanya Irina and Kate staring at my half naked body.

"I didnt know you where that muscular" Guess who said that

"I didnt either, Tanya" I said rolling my eyes

Bella rolled her eyes at her too and I chuckled. Tanya glowed

"Okay guys we will see who will sleep with who" Esme said quickly "Carmen and Eleazer you will take the guest room. The couples will be separated because we dont want any fun at night" Esme shoot Rosalie and Emmett a glance. Rosalie blushed and Emmett grinned

"Jake you will sleep with Jasper. Irina you will sleep with Rosalie. Kate you will sleep with Alice. Emmett you will sleep alone. Tanya you will sleep in Bellas room" Tanya hissed. Esme ignored her "Edward Bella you will sleep in Edwards room."

The Denalis looked at me and Bella confused. Emmett bursted into laughter. I send him death glare.

"Why do they sleep together?" Tanya asked.

"Tanya!" Eleazer said in a warning tone.

"Because they are virgin" Have I ever told you that Emmetts death will be so soon. Bella blush deep crimson and looked down.

"Emmett!" Esme and Carlisle yelled in unison. Jake laughed his ass off.

"I doubt that. She looks like a slut. No I think because she isnt attractive." Tanya snickered.

My fist hit the table pretty loud. Everyone flinched. "Enough!" I yelled. I stood up and faced Tanya "I dont fucking see how this is your fucking damn business. Bella did nothing but was fucking nice to you. She doesnt reply because she wont lower herself to fucking whore like you. You have been torturing me since I was fucking 12. Cant you understand I dont fucking like you. But if you ever spoke one bad word about Bella there will be much to pay" I yelled. I throw the chair and went to my room. That was.. fun. But I was sick of her picking on Bella. I had to put an end to that.

 There was a knock on my door. "What?" I asked coldly. I wasnt ready to meet anyone except if it was Bella. Im always ready for her no matter what

"Can I come in?" Asked the anglic voice. I opened my door and hugged her tight. I kissed her head then closed the door again.

"Thank you" She said.

"No problem baby. I was sick of how she treats you anyway."

She giggled "You shut the whole family. They are like frozen down there. This is a really good speech. But I wonder how many times you said fucking. Because you said it a lot" I chuckled.

"I didnt count, sorry love" I kissed her nose. She giggled.

"Why werent you wearing a shirt?" She asked slipping her hand under my shirt. I moaned and closed my eyes. Her touch was magical. She lift my shirt and kissed my chest then put it down again.

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