Chapter 25

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I locked the door as we went out, i followed him out as he lead the way. As we got to the lobby,

"Gabreelle." He said.


"Welcome to milan." He said smiling while opening the door for me.

I was gaping at the beautiful sight in front of me, it was better than what i was expecting. It was definitely instagram-worthy but i couldn't take a picture because somebody broke my phone.

'A hot somebody!' kat yelled.

You always chide in my thoughts when it's about mikhail.

'Cause he is a total hottie!' she said.

I was pulled out my thoughts as mikhail was snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Let's go." He said smiling.

He's so smiley lately! i don't know why.maybe i should ask him? is it because of me?

Bree stop assuming things

'Yes it is because of you!' Kat said in a sing song voice.

I shrugged kat off and just looked at the beautiful sight in front of me, i kept getting goosebumps as i pass by every corner.

It was my dream to live here and now here i am...

Maybe being rejected isn't so bad afterall and maybe this was the answer to the question i asked my mom not too long ago.

That everything will be worth it in the end.

"So this is the first time that this girl has set foot on another country!" mikhail said while taking a video from his iphone 6s gold. "say hi, beautiful." he said.

"Hi beautiful." i said in a deadpan face and then mikhail burst out laughing.

"You should take a compliment." he said looking at me smiling.

I was stuck there staring at his beautiful smile-

Stop it bree!

I didn't notice that we went in a shop because i was zoning out thinking about his damn irresistable smile.

"Wait here." he said. And i sat down at a table, it was a café. it has beautiful furnitures but the color says otherwise. it feels dull. He went to the counter and ordered and then he mouther 'wait' . he left the store,

I was left here all alone, with no one to talk to.

"Hi darling." an old woman sweetly said.

"Hello ma'am." i said smiling at her, she looks somewhat familiar to me.

"How do you like this place?" she asked.

"I just moved here and i like this place a lot. It has very nice furniture, it smells delcious here i can't wait to taste the food." i said smiling at her.

"Ohh you'll enjoy the food." she said smiling.

"I don't know what mikhail ordered but i sure bet that i'll devour it in no time." i said to her.

"Everybody loves how we cook but we can't get them to stay they always want take outs." she said frowning.

"Mrs-" i stopped as i realized that i was conversing with a stranger for 15 minutes or more.

"Call me yvonne." she said smiling at me, i stood up to shake her hand but she hugged me instead.

"Yvonne, you have very beautiful furniture." i said smiling at her.

"Why,thank you." she said.

"But the colors are dull and dead." i said.

She raised a brow, "so you think that we should paint the walls?" She said.

"Yes, so that your customers will feel relaxed and comfy in their stay." i said.

"You must be an interior designer." she said smiling.

"Not yet,I'm going to start college next week." I said smiling.

"Do you mind if i hire you to redesign the cafe? it's just it bothers me that people love the food but they won't stay too much." she said sadly.

"But i'm not yet an interior designer." i said.

"I don't mind." she said smiling. "I'll contact mikhail to tell you when to start."

My brows furrowed she knows mikhail?

"He's my grandson." she said smiling

Well that explains why she looks familiar. I smiled at her, "you two look a like." i said.

"Well where should he fet his good looks from?! of course from top to bottom it's all from me!" she said laughing, i laughed a long with her.

She was kind,beautiful and humorous and definitely elegant. she was a woman who you can look up to.

"Well i gotta get going now,darling." she said bidding me her goodbye.

I smiled at her, "thank you for keeping me company."

"Enjoy milan, my dear. I also hope that you get along with my grandson." she said then she turned around and said "i wish you both the best."

What did she mean?

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