Chapter 87

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Gabreelle and I were locked inside our room, " Sandy, let us out!" She yelled as she tried to kick down the door.

"No!" She shouted. "I know that he is your baby but think of how many casualties will happen more if you don't focus!"

"She has a point." Gabreelle said as she burries her face in her hands. Then as she lifts up her face, "I can't focus." She said.

I hugged her as I feel her stress, maybe it's the guardian bond that's making me feel what she's feeling.

"You can do it. I'll be by your side just tell me what to do to help you focus." I said as i cupped her face with my hands and traced circles on her cheek with my thumb. Her eyes closed and leaned her head more on my hand.

She breathes out slowly and inhales slowly and she did it for a few minutes and when she felt calm she opened her eyes and looked at mine.

"I miss him." She said.

"I miss him as much as you do, but we have a duty to protect our fellow wolves." I said.

She sighed, "I know."

"Have you got any ideas?" I asked her.

"Get your pack and Christopher's to safety. This is not their war to take part, I won't have anyone dying anymore." She said.

I nod at her, I mindlinked Sean, Martin and Tom to escort every pack member to the plane. They'll be safe back in the old pack house in the USA, it was a good idea from her.

I also told them that half of the warriors of my pack stay.

"Are you both thinking rationally now?" Asked Sandy.

"Yeah." Said Gabreelle.

Sandy opened the door, " So, what's the plan?" She asked as Jude and Kade walked beside her.

"All of you go to the plane a long with my pack and Christopher's." I said.

"What!" Jude said. "I'm staying." He said.

"I can't have anyone die anymore." Gabreelle said. "I think I'd lose it if there's another killing spree that will happen."

"You can't just push us away, Bree." Kade said.

"We're staying." Sandy said firmly.

"So, are my pack warriors and me."

We all looked to who was leaning on the doorframe, it was Christopher.

"No, please. Just go." Gabreelle said.

"We're staying." All of them said.

"Fine." She said.

We went downstairs and saw that the clouds were becoming gray, all of the pack members were gone.

The pack warriors and us were the only one's left, then the ground began to shake.

"An earthquake?" Asked kade.

Then it intesified that the trees around fell down and the ground was breaking. "There's an underground hiding spot!" I said as I pointed my finger to the wooden shack.

We ran there and when we got there I quickly threw the carpet away and opened the door to the underground place.

As the quake intensified I heard rumbling, thunder and lightning zapping outside. Then when I looked above me I saw the excess rocks of the ground were going to fall so I pushed Gabreelle out of the way so she wouldn't be burried by the rocks.

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