Chapter 106

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I opened my eyes and we were in front of the mirror. We're covered in bruises and in blood, I took a deep breath. "You should hurry. Gabreelle needs you."

He covered both of his hands on mine putting something in between. Before I could look at what it was-

"I forgive you." He said.

He pulled my hands forcefully on his stomach, I looked at it and there was blood dripping on the floor. He let go of my hands and a dagger fell on the ground.

"I'm confused." I said.

He smiled at me before I got sucked into the mirror. It was dark, the only light was from the mirror. I saw my other self fade- what is happening?

I looked back at my surroundings and saw that it was pitch black. How will I go around if I can't see anything?

I tried to bring forth fire from my hands but my elements won't work here. "Damn it." I muttered.

Then I heard scuffling, "Who's there? Show yourself!"

Then suddenly I was engulfed in a hug, "It's me!"

I would know that voice anywhere. "I found you." I said as I hugged her. I could see her for a bit because of the light that was emitting from the mirror.

"I didn't think that you'd come." She said sadness evident in her voice. "Let's get out of here. We don't have much time."

"Mikhail?" A distant voice said. "Is that you?"

I furrowed my brows, it couldn't be. I shook my head.

I hear footsteps coming and saw that it was Gabreelle again. I looked at the one that was hugging me and looked at the one who was standing across from me. How can there be two Gabreelles?

"Who's that?" Asked the Gabreelle who was across from me.

I was confused- I looked at the one who was hugging me and it is Gabreelle too. I distanced myself, "Who's the real Gabreelle Somers?" I asked.

"I am." Both said at the same time.

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