Chapter 78

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That jerk had the nerve to play with my feelings! It's hard to act like you don't feel that you love them. Especially when the moon goddess assigns you mate who keeps on fucking someone.

This is intentional, i can feel it.

This was different than the first time, it was like they really wanted me to feel it. Also, i can't feel katrina for a long time now.

It's been months since i last let my wolf free but i do know that it is for the best to hide it, you never know when someone can betray a pack and leak information like what happened to us.

Somebody decided to tell that i had a son. My son, my baby.... i miss gabe so much. He's too young to be brought into this mess. He deserves a much peaceful environment and a peaceful life.

"Gabreelle!" Mikhail called out.

I ran as fast as i could around the field and mikhail couldn't catch up. When i slowed down he catched up with me, " i'm sorry." He said.

"Stop playing with my feelings like that!" I shouted at him.

He looked astonished, "gabreelle... i'm sorry."

I screamed and launched at him, punched him in the chest,kneed him on the stomach, he tried his best to block every kick and punch but i was faster. I occasionally slapped him for trying to lead me on, then sll of the stress got to me and i weeped and tried to punch his chest again and again. My knees gave out,

"I don't want this anymore i don't want to feel any of this anymore." I cried.

"Don't say that." He said and hugged me and caressed her arm. "Don't ever say that."

"It hurts! Don't you fucking understand?! I don't want this anymore! I can't take away the pain!" I shouted.

"You really want to take away the pain?" He asks.

"Either that's a stupid question or your deaf." I said.

"Don't get your panties in a twist." He said. "Come on, let's train." He said while he kissed my forehead.

I started to calm down a little just a little.

We walked to the training grounds and as we walked in silence i could feel how selfish i sounded earlier. "Mikhail."


"I'm sorry for earlier." I said and looked at him. I noticed the bruises on his arms and underneath his shirt's neck line. My eyes widen in surprise and guilt is eating me up inside, "i'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's understandable." He said smiling and put an arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for being selfish." I said as tears start to fall again. Shit i feel like a crybaby now. " and for being emotional."

"Mi amor, i told you it's alright." He says as he stopped walking and was in front of me, he wiped the tears that are on my face.

"You still look stunning even when you fight and cry." He says grinning at me.

Well, there goes the butterflies again. I hugged him, "i don't deserve you."

"No,it's the other way around." He said as he tightens the hug.

"You'll always have my heart." I said.

"I'll take good care of it then." He says as he kissed the top of my head and then we went to training.

When we went to the training grounds, "you did a pretty good job earlier." mikhail said, "but when it happens in the battlefield you should never fight blind."

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