Chapter Three: See? Fate Hates Me.

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Ladies and Gentlemen. Yes there are even gentlemen. The Bad Boy and The tomboy  has won an award in the WATTYs!!! Holy crap when I got the message and people kept saying it I was so happy you cannot even imagine. Although I still think and I literally tell people all the time that this story is not even that good especially the beginning which makes me recoil in disgust at how badly written it was-IT WON SOMETHING. It won a Cover-to-Cover, as one of the most addictive stories on wattpad! Why? I don't even know but thank you! All of you because now I present you with this chapter and you may proceed:

Chapter Three: "See? Fate Hates Me."

SAM PUT A hand to his jaw. He was caught off guard but even that punch didn't even faze him. I could see him stare at Robert with disbelief and surprisingly he laughed. It sounded threatening yet mocking. Uh-oh.

Sam let out a breath, shaking his head. "Are you kidding me?"

Robert's nostrils flared and he swung at Sam again but Sam caught his fist in his hand, closing his fingers around it before chucking it at Robert. Sam tsked, wagging a finger at Robert. "You may not want to do that."

Then he tried to kick him near Sam's abdomen but Sam reacted just in time, catching his foot in his hand. Robert clearly struggled. "What the fuck man?"

"I should be asking you that," Sam let go with force and Robert fell on his back, groaning. "Now leave."

But Robert couldn't. A crowd had formed and people were looking out of their rooms as a security guard had come out of nowhere and grabbed Robert. Once Robert was out of sight and dragged away, my eyes caught something in the middle of the ceiling of the hallway. There was a camera and a red light was blinking on and off.

I turned to Maddy. "You okay?"

She nodded, looking pissed off. "Yeah. He's just irritating."

She walked back inside our room, grabbing her laptop as I turned to Sam. "Are you okay?" I asked him, touching the place where Robert had 'badly' hooked him.

Sam scoffed, not even flinching when I had touched over the faintly red spot. He put my hat on my desk, assuring me he was good. "I'm okay. It was nothing. Maddy, how did he even get into your room?"

"Because I let him in and kept acting weird. Kept offering me something to take in this bag and  I told him to leave when I realized what he was doing. But I'm okay, guys. But thanks Sam."

She shot a grateful look to him and he nodded. "No problem."

Sam kissed me on the lips briefly but he pulled away slowly. "I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"

I nodded and gave him a small smile when he quickly kissed me again, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I turned and watched Maddy lay on her stomach on her bed, scrolling down her phone frantically. "What are you doing?"

"Blocking that guy off of everything and deleting his phone number. He can no longer look at my Instagram, my Twitter, my Snapchat, my FaceBook, my Tumblr-"

"Tumblr? He had your Tumblr?" I asked her, looking through my side of closet for shorts and a shirt.

"Don't judge me. We had been talking for a while until this sudden episode," She put her phone down. "Anyways, aren't you and Sam having your something month anniversary coming up?"

"Our sixth month? Yeah we don't really like go out for it. We kind of just know." I said, changing into shorts and my sports bra and a sweater. I put my hair in a high ponytail, placing my hat on the desk.  

"At least you still keep track."

"If Sam was here he would tell you the month, day, hour, minute and seconds since we got together."

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