Chapter Thirty-Five: Crackhead.

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Dedicated @HeyItsCassidy for the cute cover above! Thank you💗

Chapter Thirty-Five: "Crackhead."

"LADIES I HAVE YOU here the best types of bubble tea out there." Matteo announced.

Maddy and I exchanged a glance as he pulled one of the many tables of the common room closer to us, setting the drinks onto the table. "How many did you buy?" I stared at Matteo and he took out a bunch of red solo cups, putting all on the table as well.

"You're each going to taste a little bit of each and tell me what you think." He sat down on the other side of me, grinning at the both of us.

"Matteo, you realize I like bubble tea. right?" Maddy asked him, blinking at him like he couldn't comprehend her.

"You like the bubble tea from Canada, from British Columbia. You ain't tasted nothing like UK bubble tea.'

"You did not just say ain't." I muttered, pushing him backwards from getting into an argument with Maddy as I grabbed a drink and poured a little bit of it into a cup.

"But I did, Victoria," Matteo grinned, putting an arm on the back of the chair as he took a sip of his own green drink in his hands. "By the way, is something going on? I haven't see you and Sam together for a while."

Maddy and I looked at each other as she took her drink and sipped on it deliberately. "Um...Sam and I are kind of on a break."

Matteo almost choked. "What?" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "What? Why?"

"There's just been some issues."

"How big are these issues?"

I cleared my throat. "Um, not-"

"Don't sugarcoat it Macy." Maddy said to me and then turned to Matteo. "Can we change the topic please?"

Through all the friendships I have with people if their was one besides Andrew I valued the most at the moment-not even caring about the amount of time we've known each other it was definitely Maddy's. That night that I came back from Sam's place, I had walked into my dorm room and Maddy was there with Youtube videos nonetheless but she was there to make me laugh.

I knew I made the right choice but I having my own doubts as the days passed by. I was so used to talking to him every single day whether it was face to face, a simple phone call or even text.

I was used to seeing random morning text when he could come by the dorm room in the morning. A simple 'wake up' or a weird emoji that would get my attention and he would text me back saying that he didn't send that when I knew he was trying to get my attention when he didn't even have to.

Or even the simple text asking if I was home yet to check if I was home safely or the random acts of affection in public or in private.

I released a breath at the thought of him, raising my feet up on the couch. Matteo gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. I was only asking because I saw a picture of him today."

My curiosity took the best of me. "Where?"

Matteo took out his phone and started flicking through it. Maddy touched my arm. "Mace..."

"I just-I just want to see." I said to her, not looking her in the face because I knew I would've told Matteo to put her phone away if I did.

"" Matteo handed me his phone and Maddy and I loomed over it, our eyes on the screen.

Sam was wearing a black cap with an S on the front of it and walking on the sidewalk of a street I recognized. I had gotten that for him during the summer. His head was down in the first picture, looking down at his phone and a hand in his jeans pocket.

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