Chapter Sixteen: He's So Big.

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Chapter Sixteen: "He's So Big."

I SPENT OF MOST OF  the plane ride sleeping in Sam's lap.

When we got off at JFK in New York he tapped me awake and I woke up content even though it was the middle of the night here but it was near morning in Manchester.

When we got off the plane I didn't know exactly who I expect that was until we entered the airport and I heard the first person yell my nickname. "PRINCESS!"

All eyes were on Caleb in the busy airport as he ran through to people to reach Sam and I, scooping me up in a hug that made me laugh with joy of just seeing him off the screen. When he let go I took a good look at him.

He was growing his hair out and it honestly looked better, the handsome face had a scruff of facial hair on his cheeks and chin and his brown eyes had that normal crazy look in them.

"Hey Charming." I flashed him a smile, looking over at Jon Ming who was walking towards us.

"Hola Princess." Caleb kept the biggest grin on his face as he hugged me again before switching to Sam.

I watched them both stare at each other, wondering who was going to say something first. I knew Sam's pride wouldn't let him speak first but I also knew he missed his best friend a lot.

Jon Ming reached us and I hugged my close friend since the ninth grade, looking at his half blue hair that was styled a bit different then when I last remembered seeing him. He looked a more muscled and my eyes widened at the tattoo on the back of his hand in some kind of pattern.

Well he's different.

I was glad he still had those pair of Beats around his neck.

We amusedly watched Sam and Caleb stare at each other and I brought my phone out to take a video of this moment.

Caleb eventually rolled his eyes and gave Sam a small smile. "Hi."

I could tell Sam was trying to bite back a smile and he raised an eyebrow. "Hi."

That's when Caleb scowled, punching Sam in the arm and my jaw dropped. Sam winced, staring at his best friend. "What the fuck?"

"You pour your cereal first? You weirdo, you're supposed to pour the milk first."

"Are you-It's amazing how I haven't seen you for months and this is the greeting I get from you?"

Caleb's small smile morphed into the grin that everyone was so accustomed too, the smile he had could make anyone in the world smile. He embraced Sam in a hug and Sam returned it without hesitation.

Ultimate bromance.

Then Caleb proceeded to try and ruin the moment. "I missed you, damsel in distress."

"Shut up." Sam snapped, trying to let go of Caleb's embrace but Caleb wouldn't let go.

I smiled at the sight before seeing Liz and two other people walking towards us. "Justin, Dad!" I yelled, dropping my bags before running over to my family.

I wrapped my arms around the both of them feeling overwhelmed by how much I honestly missed them.

Justin shrugged away from my embrace, grumbling and fixing his hair. "Jheeze, do you have to make a scene?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he gave me an innocent look. "What? You bashed me in the face with that messy hug of yours."

I rolled my eyes and hugged him properly before turning to my dad. I tried not to react to the strand of grey hair showing in his brown hair but I clearly did when he laughed. "I know, I know, I'm getting old."

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