Chapter Eight: Live In Iowa In A Ranch House Beside Gigi Hadid.

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while a while. But guess what? My mom found out that I have wattpad and surprisingly like any Nigerian parent she saw this as a way for me to make money and try to get my book TBBATTB published. I'm kidding but she was proud to see my story get 17.8 Million reads and I'm pretty happy she wasn't mad lol...although she has four publishers on her phone at the moment...

Halsey's music video Colors anyone? The plot twist I still can't get over it idk why haha.

Twitter: @_nikkiofficialw

Chapter Eight: "Live In Iowa In A Ranch House Beside Gigi Hadid."

MY PEACEFUL SLEEP was ruined by my phone. My stupid phone.

Whoever was calling better have a good reason.

Keeping my eyes shut, I shuffled to get closer to the nightstand where I had left my phone last night but Sam's arm around me tightened and pulled me to his chest.

He groaned in my ear and his voice was low and groggy. "Hazel just a few more minutes."

I almost laughed, trying to pull him off of me. That didn't seem to work when he took a hold of my body and put me on top of his, my head on his chest and his arms hugging me towards him. "Let me get my phone. Someone's trying to FaceTime me."

"Fuck them. Baby let's sleep."

Now I was fully awake due to my constant moving boyfriend. I sighed, raising myself up as the ringing from my phone stopped. "How did you sleep?" I mumbled against his skin.

He buried his nose in my hair, inhaling deeply which made me flush. "I would sleep a whole lot better if you stayed in bed with me and did not pick up the phone."

The ringing started again and Sam groaned loudly. "Fucking hell. Why couldn't we just have a lazy day? That's all I want at the moment."

"You want to have a lazy day?" I asked him for confirmation.

"Yeah we can just lie here, sleep, watch a movie on my laptop. Make Peter get us popcorn. Just stay here. Can't you take off work today?" Sam sighed, his hand slipping up the back of my shirt and rubbing the skin on my back and sending tingles through me.

God, he was making me want to stay here and not get out of this spot forever.

"Sam..." I whined as the ringing was persistent and I felt like whoever was calling me was never going to give up. That's when I realized who it probably was.

"It's Caleb isn't it?" He muttered.

"I'm guessing." I told him as he let me go and I reached over for my phone. Sam put his forearm over his eyes and I pressed a kiss to his cheek before accepting the call. In a couple of seconds Caleb's face appeared on my phone screen. I looked at the tiny screen showing me at the bottom corner and realized I looked more like a mess than usual.

"Hey Charming."

"Hola princess."

"Where's our peasant?" He asked, his eyes lighting up. He was in a bedroom and I could see him sitting up and light streaming into the room.

Sam rolled his eyes and his face held a strong sign of annoyance. He pushed himself up next to me, huffing and rubbing his tired eyes adorably. "Shut the fuck up Caleb. It's too early for me to hear your ugly voice."

"Your voice is uglier jackass. It's only ten o'clock over there, how is that too early?"

"It just is," Sam squinted at his best friend, leaning his head on my arm. "What do you-"

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