Chapter Six: I Want You To Rock Me.

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This is the last update for a while because I have exams coming up. Be sure to vote for The Bad Boy And The Tomboy for the Story of the Year.

Chapter Six: "I Want You To Rock Me."

"SAM YOU'RE HERE," The guy said in the same accent as most of the people around here, making me quickly push Sam's head off my neck.

He locked eyes with me first, sighing heavily. His cheeks were red, his hair was ruffled to the extreme and I wanted to kiss him again. Badly."Oh God." He whispered before looking over my shoulder. I was thinking the same thing as I looked at him but in different contexts.

"Hey." He said politely and I turned around to face the guy with the really deep voice. He looked to be older then us and had broad shoulders, dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. He wore a tight shirt and loose jeans and he gave me a wide smile.

"This is your girl huh?"

"Yeah Macy this Derek he's one of the older guys on the team. Derek this is Macy my girl...I guess."

"I figured when you two were here snogging each other's faces off."

If it was possible my face turned even redder and I felt uncomfortable. Sam must have figured because he partially stepped in front of me. "What do you want?"

"Nothing relax mate." Derek said, raising his hands up in mock surrender.

"Macy." A voice called out over the crowd and I watched as Anmol maneuvered her way through the crowd and came over to us.


She was about to say something when she looked over at Derek and the smile slipped off her face and her jaw dropped. "Oh"

"Anns?" Anns? 

Anmol was staring at him in complete surprise. "H-Hi. Hi." 

"Hi." He laughed, sounding absolutely delighted to see her. Anmol looked the same but the way she was molding into her body while staring at him in such awe made me raise my eyebrows.  

"Sam, I'll see you at practice. Nice meeting you Macy." He looked Anmol over once again before walking away.

"I thought I wouldn't see him." Anmol said, her voice getting a little bit higher, showing that she was flustered.

"I'm guessing you know him," Sam spoke up.

"Y-Yeah, he dated my sister," She said. "And, um, we were friends. I think I need a drink."

"Need I remind you we have practice tomorrow?" I told her.

Anmol sighed. "Macy you just became the good part of my conscience. I think I might just go home. See you tomorrow."

She gave Sam and I a small smile before walking back into the crowd. "I want to get going too." Sam said, running a hand through his hair and obviously feeling highly uncomfortable by the many girls that looked at him as if he was the King of the World.

"I came here with Maddy." I mentioned to him.

"Okay let's find her."

Sam put an arm around me as we moved through the dancing crowd. This made me feel slightly claustrophobic. It reminded me of when Andrew and I were fifteen and we both went to our first house party. I didn't really want to go at the time and it reminded me of this. I didn't know things that happened at that party. I didn't know until this year that one of the moments Andrew had left alone at that stupid party he had lost his virginity. Nor did I know that at the moment he had been in love with Jasmine for more than two years at the time and I did not have a clue.

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