Chapter Twenty Seven: Merry Christmas.

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Dedicated to @britanya_rich for the cover at the top! Thanks💓💓

Chapter Twenty Seven: "Merry Christmas."

"BUON NATALE!" GIGI SAID when Justin was in the midsentence.

"Merry Christmas." Justin said. "Can we open our presents now?"

"Oh my gosh, here, just take it already." I shoved his present towards him when dad moved out of the kitchen in his pajamas, holding my camera in his hands.

He ripped open the package and looked down at the video game in his hands with wide eyes. I've seen this same facial expression my entire life. "How did you get-"

"Sam knows a guy and I had to work more shifts than necessary just to get that for you. So when I beat you in it be grateful either way."

"Thanks Mace." My brother hugged me and already started getting up. "Hey, dad can I invite Christian over?"

"It's Christmas." My dad retorted lamely, the camera pointed on Justin.

"Aren't they coming over tonight anyway?"

"Hey, why didn't grandpa and grandma come over this year?" I asked dad, already knowing his answer would be no to Christian coming over anyway.

"They went for a cruise." My dad responded about his own parents. "Something about not wanting to experience snow this year. I'm pretty sure they just didn't want to drive all the way up from US but they'll call later today."

"Smart move." Justin mumbled, looking outside at the snow falling outside. "It's coming down."

"At least it's not a green Christmas like last year." I pointed out, glancing outside.

"That's because global warming-"

"Justin, I really don't want to be educated when I'm going back to school in a couple of days. I would love to refrain from learning please and thank you. Now, let me beat you in this game."

Hours later, Justin and I were sitting in the basement, the both of us in our sleepwear like it's been ever since we were kids. Except Justin has chosen to wear a basketball team jersey over his shirt and I wore a soccer team jersey over mine. So...nothing has really changed.

I leaned against the bottom of the sofa, turning to look at Justin. "How is everything?"

"Everything? Like everything everything?"

"I'm pretty sure that's what everything means, yes." I avowed.

"I don't want Emma to go back to Redmond." He revealed after a couple of seconds.

"It's not that simple Justin. It's not like she can pack up her entire family and move here. And by the way, I wouldn't exactly appreciate it if Alexis moved all the way to where I was born and raised, thanks."

"Alexis is travelling all over the world after Christmas anyway, she's irrelevant in this. You know Emma and I aren't even together though. Like when she's here we have a label but when we're not together it's like oh we're just friends but at the same time not really."

"Yeah, I know." I said, putting the controller down. "But isn't that only because of distance? Because every time she comes here you guys are all boyfriend and girlfriend either way."

"Yeah, but before the break this girl in my history class asked me out and I didn't really give a certain answer because-because of Emma."

"Did you tell Emma about this?"

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