Epilogue: Back In The Olden Days

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dedicated to @goingtocamphalfblood for the cover above

Epilogue: "Back In The Olden Days."

I LOOKED AT THE model over my camera. Someone, a girl who had started today and yet forgotten to give me her name-or maybe she did and it slipped my mind, handed me a bottle of water. I took it from her with a smile, mentally telling myself to give her a talk on how she was doing good on her first say.

There was a lot of commotion behind me but I didn't want to be interrupted. I could hear the yelling, the sound of a cart moving, people rushing and lights flashing all around me but I blocked them out. I always did. If someone interrupted me I was on the verge what they called a Double M- also known as a 'Macy Meltdown'.

No one, not even me, wanted that.

And I've always hated the cranky type of bosses when I was younger and now that I was one I wasn't about to live up to that. My employees, the ones who were definitely doing a lot and scrambling around me, working with the agency whose shoots were were producing today, we're doing a good job for what had been one of the busiest weeks of our lives. 

"That was good," I told her. "Probably the best one all day. But I need more from you." I needed a different angle.

The girl who had handed me the water came to take it back and she was staring at the model before clearing her throat. "How about the couch?"

My eyes moved over to what she was talking about and I smiled, nodding. "That's it. The couch." I told the model before turning to the girl. "Thank you. Take a break, hun you deserve one. I've seen what you've been doing all day."

Her face flushed red at the praise and I smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Cahill."

"No worries and it's Macy. Remember that." She scurried off and I mentally checked myself. I've been pulling a Liz since I started this- since Liz had helped me start it after I graduated from university all those years ago. It was pretty tough at first, trying to get others see what I could do with a camera but Liz had connections and she pulled me through her chain of connections to get me where I am today as a photographer. To her I was forever grateful. I made a mental note to call her later from where she was probably with Vince on some private island on the other side of the world. 

The model moved to the and she did give me what I had asked. And I could see why she was a model. From my perspective with her facial expressions to the angular structure of her face, I guess she was probably stuck into this at an early age or someone discovered her. I wouldn't even be surprised if I knew the person who had discovered her.

She was great. Probably one of the best I've worked with. In the years of doing this business, I've worked with a lot of models, actors, singers, tycoons the list went on and I knew what I was talking about. But the day itself had been going on for so long and I was kind of glad that with this last photo it was all over.

I sighed in relief when the shoot was over and smiled at her tiredly. "We're good."

She returned her gratitude with some words and a smile but I could barely focus on her when I heard a voice behind me and little footsteps. "Mommy!"

I could feel the tired smile on my face change into a wide grin as I put my camera down and turned around to face the little girl. She jumped into my arms, her curly hair hitting me right in the face but I didn't mind. I never minded. "Hey, how was school today?"

"It was good," She said, munching on a cookie that my assistant, Janice probably gave to her. "I got to look at this book and saw this thing called multi-pa something."

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