Chapter Thirty: Montana.

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Dedicated to @ivysinnovan for the cover at the top! Thank you💌


Chapter Thirty: "Montana."

"ANDERSON, YOU'RE UP!"  Coach yelled and I got ready quickly, heading on over to the field. I looked back for a quick second before the ref blew the whistle, Anmol giving me a nod and returned it, biting back a smile. First substitution of the game and within the first ten minutes. 

I could hear the crowd roar. HDF was always one to support sports, it didn't matter how popular they were. It was awesome. To be able to feed off that energy and feel that vibe sent adrenaline in me. Even better, I could see Sam and Maddy in the bleachers, Sam with my camera in his hands.

I grinned when the ref blew the whistle, so happy to play even though it was indoors. It was freezing outside so I couldn't feel the breeze or remember how my body would try to adjust to the cold weather, not mattering if my fingers were freezing. It didn't matter where I played it. Soccer was soccer and I loved it.

"Good job Macy." A girl said hours later in the changeroom. Everyone made their way in. I was sweaty and slightly sticky but I couldn't wipe the smile on my face.

"Thanks." I let my hair out of its ponytail when Anmol came over to me.

"You were astounding. That goal was insane. It was from out of the box Mace."

"I realize that, thanks." I laughed, untying my cleats. "But if wasn't for your long kick I definitely wouldn't have got any opportunity to get it in." 

Anmol sat next to me, taking off her cleats as well. "You should know that right now Tanya is possibly talking shit about you."

"Because I scored?"

"Because coach was thinking about putting you on the starting line up."

My jaw dropped. "Are you serious? You're joking with me right?"

"No. I overheard him." Anmol grinned.

"That-That's insane." I said perplexed. I was lucky enough to get playing time but to be a starter like some of the women who have been at HDF longer than I have is astonishing.  

"We should go out tonight to celebrate."

"As much as I would love to I can't. I have to go to the lab right after this and after that I have to rewrite some of my notes." I told her.

"Ugh, the university life. What about the weekend? Saturday?"

"I have to go to London."

"London?" Another girl asked, overhearing our conversation. It wasn't really her fault for eavesdropping. As large as the changeroom was, words bounced off the walls. "Why are you headed over there?"

"My boyfriend has a photoshoot over there and he wants me to come with him." I explained.

"If he gets new clothing can he manage to get some from the woman's side for me?"

"Seeing as you and he got into an argument over Kanye and Drake a couple days ago, I'll see if he'll budge."

"I was just stating my opinion."

"You both were." I laughed, taking a moment to calm down from the adrenaline still coursing through my body.

Someone sat down on the other side of me, making me raise both my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't say anything at first, glancing at Anmol who stared at me with the same confusion.

'Why is she beside me?' I mouthed to Anmol. Making sure that Tanya couldn't see.

'I don't know.' She mouthed back.

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