Chapter Twenty Six: Ripping His Shirt Off.

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Chapter Twenty Six: "Ripping His Shirt Off."

THERE WAS LOUD KNOCKING on my door the morning of Christmas Eve and I groaned in agitation, keeping my eyes tightly shut. Whoever it was could kindly take the hint and stop trying to break down my door.

The knocking became more and more persistent and eventually I leaned back into Sam who had a tight grip around my waist. I could feel him breathing against my neck, still knocked out into the sleep.

The knocking increased and it was then I realized who was on the other side, my eyes went wide and I quickly got up. "Sam! Sam!" I whisper yelled at him but he didn't wake up. Instead, he shifted to lie on his stomach, his head buried into the pillow.

I grabbed another pillow and used to whack him on the head several times before he groaned loudly, snatching it from me. "What?" He asked in a low voice, fazing me for a quick second. God, his voice...

"Gigi is outside. Hide!" I hit him again with the pillow.

He didn't process what I told him at first and I watched him sit up, rub his eyes with the back of his hands and stretch. Then his eyes went wide with realization of what I had said and he quickly dove out of my bed and crawled underneath it.

Gigi found it nontraditional that Sam would sleep over at most times. A lot actually. She would manage to make Sam go home every time even though she and my dad knew we wouldn't do anything under his roof.

I patted my cheeks to wake me up a bit and opened the door slowly, revealing my grandmother on the other side. "Morning."

She stepped into my room, her eyes looking around skeptically like she already knew he was here. Fudge.

"Morning bella," She said, moving her gaze back to me. "Everyone is downstairs and your cousins and uncles and aunts aren't coming tomorrow. You know this si?"

I nodded, acting like I was still tired when in reality I was wide awake. "Um...I'll see you guys downstairs in a second. Let me just get ready."

I was practically pushing my grandmother out of my room at this point, and she was about to cross the threshold when she turned around. "Macy?"

I smiled at my grandmother, hoping she didn't notice the foot peaking out from underneath my bed.  He could've at least tried to hide a little bit better.

She moved past me and reached down, grabbing Sam's foot and with all her might, pulling my boyfriend out from under my bed. He yelped, smiling at my grandmother sheepishly. "Hi Gigi."

"Samuel..." She warned. "I'm going to have a word to your grandmother and mother about this."

"You could've just said mother but why did you have to include grandmother? She listens to everything you say."

"Go home Samuel." My grandmother grabbed his shirt from the floor and tossed it to him just as he stood.

Sam threw his shirt on, grabbing his jacket that was on the desk. He kissed me on the cheek, smiling. "I'll see you tonight."

After Sam was gone and I cleaned up, I walked into the kitchen to spot Justin lying down on the kitchen counter and my dad opening and closing cabinets in the kitchen. Gigi was doing the same beside him, going through a list and muttering harshly in Italian under her breath. "I cannot believe you Nicholas." She scolded my dad.

"I forgot okay?" He tried to assure her, walking over to kiss my forehead before, sitting on a chair. "Justin, get off the table."

Justin got up and went over to the fridge to grab milk. "What did dad forget?"

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