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I opened my eyes, seeing Lance tug on my collar as he through another punch. The cafeteria went chaotic, cheering and screaming as he kicked my ass. Honestly, I probably deserved it. For all the terrible things I did.

"Stop it Lance!" I heard her voice calling from behind, the only thing I could hear as kept throwing the punches.

Someone walked up, kicking my right in the gut. A few more times and my ribs were probably cracked. It hurt, I will admit, but it wasn't as bad as my face at the moment. I felt like I could barely breathe.

The boys were struggling to get him off me, the only thing holding them back was Lance's guys, shoving them around like rag dolls. If I'd known that I'd get my ass kicked, I would've had them flee the place.

"Lance stop your going to kill him!" I didn't realize what she said until I felt it. I felt the broken nose, my cracked jaw, cracked rib cage, it all started to hit me like a sore thumb. He hit me one last time, sighing. A drop of sweat rolled down his face, dripping onto my bloody, broken one.

When he got off me, I heard bits and pieces of their conversation.

"No! I'm done! We're done! I can't believe you think it's okay to do that to someone, regardless of who they are!"

"You little bitch get back here!" She must've walked away, I couldn't see as the air around me got quiet.

I felt arms around me, lifting my limp body up a bit. My hearing was still intact, I'm surprised.

"Harry look at ya, my lord your not gonna like it." The boys rambled, I'm guessing they were surrounding me.

I heard another voice from far away. It was her, she came back. "Hey, I got a first aid kit, the cops and ambulance are going crazy out there." There wasn't a sound after that. I assumed they were gazing at my face, maybe it was that bad.

I heard shuffling, and then a hand against my neck. I winced in pain, suckling in a sharp breath.

"He's not dying is he?" Tanner asked. The little curious boy he was.

"No, god no. He could've, that is if I didn't stop Lance." Her accent was as flawless as I remembered. The last time I had actually heard it was last year at the presentation for the school play.

"Raise your hand if you can hear me." Liam spoke up. I raised my hand, flicking him off. They all laughed, but stopped when I groaned. What the hell was that?

"Sorry.. I should've warned you." I didn't care how badly it hurt, as long as she was granting it on me, it didn't matter.

I waved a hand, letting her know it was fine. I could already tell the boys were going to be awkward and take advantage of the situation because I couldn't talk or see.

With my hands, I acted out, letting them know to get my a piece of paper and pencil.

When I felt it in my hands, I wrote out, trying to make sure she doesn't see.

Don't you even think about telling her shit or I will strangle each of you when I can see again!

I handed it to the person behind me, not knowing who it was. After a few seconds, I knew I was in for a ton of shit.

"Uh, I don't think I was supposed to read that.." I clench my fist, they passed it to her. My middle finger was a bit horny at the moment, pointing it to the boys behind me.

I heard her giggle, which mad emy hand loosen from tension.

"Uh, Harry, the ambulance are here.." Louis said. My head was being set down, as the muffled voices enter the lunch room. "Do we go with him? What's the plan guys!" They hollered as other people surrounded me.

"You guys go back to class. Liam and I will ride with him." Wait, what?!

Nobody argued with her as I was lifted onto what seemed like a stretcher. "Who did this?" A man's voice called.

"My ex boyfriend." She spoke up, speaking for all of them. I heard nothing other than mumbles and equipment, which was a bit annoying. As they hauled me into the back of the ambulance, Liam and her stayed close, letting me and the police know they were tagging along.

I could hear myself, it was almost as disgusting as it was scary. I was almost screaming in pain, trying to keep a tear from falling down.

When I was little and used to get "boo boo's", my mum would worry so much, carrying me into the bathroom as fast as she could. She would set me down on the counter. Depending on how bad the injury was, she would dab some rubbing alcohol on it, or rinse it off with water.

The one time I had crashed off of my new bike, my legs were all scraped up and I was lucky I could walk to my mum, otherwise she'd bring me to the hospital.

I felt a hand touch mine, then quickly flinch away. My hand met with the other as I raised it up. I grabbed it while I could, holding onto it. That was the problem, I knew it was hers. Her free hand was placed on top of mine, gripping it gently.

"Your gonna be okay.." I could hear the worry in her voice, she was quite doubtful.

"Hey, uh Noel right?" Liam butted in, ruining the moment. "Yeah." I could feel her hand shaking, why was she so worried. How does she even know who I am? All the questions that I asked myself were the ones that stuck out so far.

"Are you afraid?" I almost choked on my own blood. my grip tightened on her hand, but I didn't mean to hurt her. "I.. uh," She paused, rubbing her thumb along my hand. My body tensed, loosening at her touch.

"To be honest, to the both of you," Her hand shook mine, getting my complete, full attention. Her answer was the one thing I was afraid of. The girl I have fallen in love with everyday for the past four years is sitting right next to me, holding my hand. I guess my injuries are what triggered her presence.

"I'm not sure. But what I do know is that I'm worried about the damage." I let her words sink in for a moment, making me realize what I was actually going through.

Teenage DirtbagWhere stories live. Discover now