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Months had passed by, bringing us into the the month of April. Prom was just around the corner, and nobody had asked me yet. I was glad nobody had, I couldn't bring myself to say no, but I was lingering on the hope that Harry would ask me.

"Your still going. I really don't care if you don't have a date, it's senior year. I'll even go with you!" I giggled, shaking my head.

"What about Niall? He's your boyfriend, wouldn't you want to go with him?" She shrugged, tucking her hands in her pockets.

"He can have the last dance." We both burst into laughter, walking down the hall of shops opened on each side of us. I wanted to go in each and every one of them, but then the dress store Izabel had been talking about caught my eye.

"Isn't that it? POP Candy?" She squeeled, dragging me into it. I wasn't much of the gown type, but if it was for Izabel, I'd wear it for her.

We scattered the room, looking through the dresses. Izabel had already found one, and I was still looking through my size. I scanned each dress carefully coming across a gorgeous dress.  it was light pink with a white type of rope around the waist, with lace from the stomach up.

I looked at the back, seeing the corset ribbon tied towards the small of the back. When I found the price tag, my frown turned completely upside down.

I sighed, walking away from the dress.

"Does this make me look fat?" I jolted up to meet the dress she had on. She turned to me, looking at me with curiousity. "Did you not find one?" I shrugged, looking at her beautiful dress.

"You look beautiful.." She smiled, stepping down from the spotlight stand.

"Did you atleast find one?" I sighed once again, looking back at the dress.

"Show me." I groaned, walking to the exspensive dress. I hated the way I felt, embarrassed yet so nervous to show her what I liked. She gazed at it, looking at the back then at me.

"What's wrong with it?" I held up the tag." I smiled, shrugging to her.

"You know I really don't have to go, right?" She pushed me a bit, shaking her head. "Your going, we'll try and get it on sale okay?" I shook my head.

"I don't have to go it's fine, I went last year." She sighed, holding both my hands. "It's our senior year, I wanted to spend prom with you.." my smile was a little more fake than I wanted it to be.

"You can go with Niall, it will be good for the both of you anyway." She pressed her lips in a thin line, pouting a bit.

"Now I feel bad.." I shook my head.

"Don't, you'll have fun." She hugged me, walking back to the dressing room to take the dress off. She came back with it in the dress case, laying it on the counter to pay.

"Is this all?" She sighed, looking back at me. "I guess.." I turned away, looking back at the dress as we walked out together.


Niall had dragged me to the mall, only because appearently Izabel was shopping for a prom dress. I was hoping I wouldn't see Noel with her. I couldn't look at her anymore, it hurt too much.

When we neared the dress shop that she had been talking about, I peeked through the window. A familiar figure stood in one of the aisles, looking through a rack of dresses.

I watched as she stopped at a light pink dress, looking at the back of it. The corset ribbon looked hot with the lace in the front. I watched her sigh, dropping the tag to the dress and walking away.

"Damn, we better go.." I smiled, remembering what my old friend had told me when she visited. She told me she was coming before school ended, staying for a few weeks in summer.

I was slightly excited, but not ready for all the therapy she was to offer me.

"We need to come back." We rounded the corner, watching them walk out down the opposite side of the hall.

I rushed into the shop, going straight to the dress. I looked at the tag, seeing the price. $200.65, but why did she give up on it? I pulled it off the wrack, rushing up to the cash register.

"Are you sure you got the right size sir?" I swallowed, nodding to the lady. "I saw my friend looking at it, she didn't have enough money so I'm buying it for her." She smiled, typing in my amount due.

"$165.95 is your total."

"What? Is there a sale or something?" She nodded, pointing to the mini sale to her left. It read 50% off all long dresses. I sighed, pulling out my card. Once it was rung off, I picked up a matching mask for the masquerade theme.

I picked up my purchased items, thanking her and walking out with Niall.

"Did you just buy that dress for Noel?" I smiled, looking down at the dress she had her eye on. I felt proud. It didn't matter if she was upset with me, or if I told her I didn't want to speak to her anymore, it was all apart of the plan. Her parents plan at least. 

We walked out to the car, making sure they didn't see us.

"Thank god it was on sale.." Niall said, sitting back in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, thank god.." I smiled, knowing I'd done something right for once.

Teenage DirtbagWhere stories live. Discover now