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"Why are you even here? My mum wants nothing to do with you!" I feel like I just spit in his face, he blinked a few times, but I honestly didn't care.

"She's my wife. What else am I supposed to do." I laughed, crossing my arms over my chest and pulled on my bottom lip with anger.

"Well it's a good thing your here! Now we can all go as a family, and get those god damn divorce papers we've all been waiting five months for!" His eyes dropped to the ground. He didn't give a single, flying fuck.

"She... She's really going go through with it." He dozed off, taking it in all at once. Terrible idea.

"Of course she's fucking going through with it your an asshole!" He really didn't understand the concept of marriage, otherwise those five months would've been here, and not with the skank he's been sleeping around with.

"Your fucking lucky Robin hasn't shown up by now." He looks up, surprised. I smirked at him, knowing I'd caught him off guard.

"Robin? Next door neighbor Robin?"

"Two houses down dumb ass. Wow you really have forgotten about us haven't you?" He shook his head.

"Why was Gemma crying?" I spat, pointing towards the door.

"I-I gave her a hug, and told her I missed her." Holy fuck, he really is fucked up.

"How fucking dare you! She knows you don't give two shits about her so stop trying and let's get this divorce over with!"

"Stop talking like that!" He finally speaks.

"What a mouthful, let's hear what else you got?" He closed his eyes, shoving me away. He really wants me to kick his ass. Honestly, I'd be thrilled to do the honors.

He looked up at me, must've seen the sadness stained to my face.

"What happened to you?" I furrowed my brows, wondering why he'd ask such a stupid question. "Why do you care?"

"Because your my son!" My mouth fell open, eyes wide with terror. He didn't realize what he had just said, but it only affected me.

"Stop calling me that! You don't even live up to that name!" He stepped back. Did it hurt him the way it hurt me? I hope so cause that's what I was going for.

"S-Harry," He rubbed his temples, turning away from me.

"Don't you dare! You don't get to walk away this time!" He stopped, not turning back to me.

"You..." I chocked, something I hardly did.

"You had a family. One that cared about you, and you didn't even care to stay? My mum loved you. We all did! We waited for you for months, not knowing where in this god forsaken world you would be!" I was out of breath, I couldn't speak anymore. I was tired of it.

"You didn't.. have to." He turned towards me.

"What the fuck?"

"You didn't have to Harry! You could've gotten on with your perfect lives! You didn't have to wait up for me when you knew, deep down, that I wasn't going to come back!" My chest ached. I felt like I was being suffocated without even knowing it.

"Then," I looked at him with a mix of anger and confusion.

"Why the hell are you here now?" I heard the door open, praying that whoever came in would go back out. I couldn't tell what was going on, my mind was so out of it.

"Because I care."

"Don't lie you son of a bitch! Your a coward! You always have been and you always will be!" My mum had grabbed ahold of my arms while I was yelling, pinning them behind my back. I tried to get out of her grip, when I did, I charged after him.

He started backing away, I knew he was scared of me.

Two pairs of arms wrapped around, stopping me from beating the shit out of him. "Coward! Fucking disgrace!!"

"Go bring him downstairs, now!" I groaned as Gemma pulled me, trying to get me to follow her. Once I finally gave in a shrugged her off, walking downstairs with her following after me.

I paced around the room, looking at her sit down on the stairs, watching me.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, a little impatient.

"Harry I'm not going to let you beat dad up!" Her brows were furrowed, and her hair was in her face. She didn't seem to care, but it still seemed to make her uncomfortable.

"Why does it matter to you all? He doesn't deserve to pop up in out lives whenever he feels like it!" She held her head in her hands. I could hear the small sobs coming from her hands.

"Stop.." She whispered. I hated seeing her like this. Upset and broken from the person she counted on most. I hated seeing the both of them like this. Gemma and my mum look up to me as the male figure because he was too lousy to take that place.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just- I hate seeing you two like this when it shouldn't happen at all. We shouldn't have to get these visits from him. We just shouldn't.." I kneeled in front of her, holding her elbows.

"Hey, you listening?" I add, not getting the attention I wanted.

She twitches at my touch, lifting her head up to meet my eyes. "What?" She swallowed, looking away from me slowly.

"What did I do? Did I frighten you?"

"I don't like it when your mad okay?" I blinked, realizing her statement was true. I didn't even like me when I was mad. She was right, it was scary.

"Gemma I'm sor-" She flinched away, standing and rushing up the stairs. I sat there alone for a few minutes before I could react.

"Dammit!" I punched the wall, seeing the damage I'd just caused.


I traced over the hole, seeing something in it. I reached in, retrieving a envelope that had my name on it.

Teenage DirtbagWhere stories live. Discover now