Chapter 05: Double Trouble?

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Chapter 05: Double Trouble?

(1 Month, 2 Weeks Pregnant - September 12th 2015.)

"So what shall we do if I am pregnant?" I ask Toby, turning to face him.

"We will cross the bridge when we get there. It won't be the end of the world, if you are pregnant Lace. It will be just a broken car on our journey of venturing the world." He states, taking my hand in his.

I take a magazine off the white plastic chair beside me. I and Toby are waiting for my doctor to call us in. We have been waiting for ten minutes for the doctor to call us into the room so far.

Surrounding us are white walls with white plastic chairs along side it. Magazines laying on some the chairs. It gives a plastic, hospital vibe. It is a doctors after all.

As we enter the building, on the left hand side is where you sign in with the over perky brown haired women who looks like she is in her mid fifties. On the right hand side to that is the seating area where we are currently sitting. There are two doors on the far right hand side of the wall, toilets for both men and women.

Then if you walk past six seats (six against the wall, six more which sit opposite the other seats. Then six on the other side of those. Then facing them there are another six seats. Against another wall). You will reach the different doctors rooms. Then there is an upstairs full or other doctors rooms and another set of toilets.

"Sorry if my hand is sweaty. I'm really nervous." I simply tell him, my gaze fixes on him. I throw him a smile which makes him smile too.

Then I flick my gaze onto the magazine in my right hand. Titled - 'baby'. The headline being - 'what to expect when you are expecting".

"It's okay. And you don't have to be nervous. We can be nervous together. Truth to be told, I am scared also. I don't know the first thing about being a Father." He confesses, giving me a blank expression.

Sighing myself. "I agree. I don't know even. We can fail together." I say, trying to change the mood from scared and nervous to humour but clearly failing.

"We won't fail. I won't let that happen and the Lacey I know doesn't want to fail either." He says trying to bring my mood up.

Which doesn't happen, despite how much he tries.

"Well the Lacey I know won't get knocked up." I whisper, my lip starting to quiver.

Having mixed feeling about potentially being pregnant. I love children and babies but I don't know if I can face the mean comments and stares that I will get off people.

"Well it takes two to tango." Toby informs me, lifting up my chin with his index finger. He plants a soft but sweet kiss on my nose.

I shouldn't put myself down as Toby isn't. He is probably sh*t scared of the potential of being a father. But he is not showing it, if he is showing it, I cannot see it. I am being the bummer here with my comments and thoughts. I really need to focus on the positives here. In nine months I may have a child which just brings a smile to my face.

At the end of the day there are many people who are my age and even younger who have got pregnant and had children. It just means I will become a Mother at a younger age. I do want children so I will be just having it younger then I thought I would.

There are people who are thirteen and fourteen who have had children and I know this because there is a YouTube documentary about it which I have only watched for about five minutes of. This was because the people in the documentary were bloody annoying.

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