Chapter 18: The Heir Of The Scott's Household.

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Chapter 18: The Heir Of The Scott's Household.

(3 Months, 2 Weeks Pregnant - Wednesday 4th November 2015.)

Pausing Orange Is The New Black on Netflix, I place it next to me, whipping of the headphones, I place them on my laptop. Once I have done this, I get up from the poison that I am in and stand by the doorframe. "Do you want anything?" I ask my Mother and step-dad, before walking into the kitchen.

"No ta." My Mother replies, adverting her eyes back to the TV screen.

"No I am okay." My Father answers me.

With their responses, I trudge into the kitchen. After I put the light on, I make my way over to the cupboard. Getting a glass mug out of the cupboard, I place it on the side. Next I get the hot chocolate Tassimo pod from the box in the cupboard by where the hot drinks are located.

Walking to the Tassimo machine with the mug and the Tassimo hot chocolate pod. I then open the lid of the machine where you put the pod in. Putting the hot chocolate Tassimo pod into the top of the Tassimo machine. Clicking the top back down pressing the leaver down, hearing the click of the machine.

Pressing the on button of the machine, waiting for the hot liquid to get out of the machine. I can already smell the chocolate liquid in the machine.

Instantly craving hot chocolate with mashed potato and ketchup or maybe chocolate sauce and mash potato with hot chocolate. I fancy the second option. With that in mind, I go to the cupboard where the potatoes are located. Getting a potato out of the cupboard and a peeler. Placing it on the side.

"Do you want pizza?" My Mother asks me, coming up beside me.

"No ta, I fancy mash potato and chocolate sauce as I didn't eat much dinner at Toby's." I reply to her, getting a tissue paper from the side of the microwave. Taring two of the papers from the box, I place it on the side. Getting the peeler from the side, I start to peel the potato, making sure the peal of the potato go onto the paper.

I didn't eat much at Toby's as it was awkward with his family and his Father scares me so this results in me not eating that much food.

"That's a weird combination. You sure you don't want pizza, me and Jack are having it." She replies back.

"No." I simply respond as I carry on peeling the potato. I really love mash but it takes forever to peel it. I prefer already made mash but we ran out of it yesterday and the shopping doesn't come until Saturday.

Once I have finished peeling the potato, I put more water into the kettle, placing it on. I then grab the knife from the side cupboard and chop up the potato into small pieces. Once it's getting hot, I get a saucepan from the cupboard. After I put the heat underneath the saucepan, I grab the kettle and put water into the saucepan.

All I need to do is wait for the water is get heated. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I check my phone for any iMessages or calls but there is none. No text messages from Toby. I have texted Toby twenty minutes ago to see how the dinner went but I haven't received any text messages yet.

Looking back at the water, its finally bubbling so I place the potato's into the saucepan, trying not to get myself scolded by the water.

Setting the timer to twenty minutes, I go back into the lounge to continue to watch Orange Is The New Black.


After I have finished the episode of Orange Is The New Black, I go onto my Film Studies folder and open up the essay that I still need to finish by tomorrow. Taking a sip of the hot chocolate, I start to carry on the paper.

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