Chapter 08: Ice-cream and Pizza.

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Chapter 08: Ice-cream and Pizza.

(One Month, Three Weeks Pregnant - September 14th  2015.)

I am happy that my Mother decided to look after the 'baby' while I went to the party. As for one, a party is not the right environment for a child. And two she offered so I wasn't going to pass the opportunity up.

If she knew that I was pregnant though, she may have wanted me to take the 'baby' to the party to show me what it would be like to have a child and still go to a party.

But as soon as we set foot back into the house, she thrusts the doll back into my arms. Saying that - "here, you have it. It won't shut up. You lot were so much better. You didn't cry so much. Personally the 'baby' isn't a good representative of an actual baby. And you can tell your bloody health teacher that. In fact I will tel her that. This is just cruel."

Which I just laughed at.

So I am here sitting in my room with Olivia, Adam and Toby. Toby and I are in the bed (under the covers) and Olivia and Adam are in sofa bed.

We (well me, Olivia and Toby stayed in the car while Adam got out of it) and collected the pizza on the way back from the party.

I have a chicken, pepper and onion pizza. Toby has a pepperoni pizza. Olivia has an pepper and onion with tomato pizza with bacon. And last but not least, Adam has a cheese, pickle, chicken, bacon pizza. We also ordered chips, two waters, two cokes and nachos. We got a deal so we didn't have to pay as much money. After all it's pizza, who can say no to pizza?

I define can't.

The 'baby' sitting in between me and Toby, still crying might I ask.

I send a mental note to the twins to tell in them in advance that I hope they turn out like their Mother because apparently I wasn't crying all the time like this doll is. Telling them if they cry like the doll, Momma or Daddy won't be happy.

I know babies cry a lot but this doll is taking it to the extreme.

Taking a bite from the pizza in one hand, with the free hand, I take a nachos from the box on top of the bed. "Whoa, look at you girl. Getting pizza and nachos at the same time. That's a good idea." Olivia informs me, high fiving me in the air which I return back to her, high fiving her with my pizza still in my hand.

We burst out laughing at how stupid we are acting. The boys just roll their eyes at us and continue to eat pizza.

The door creaks up, my Mother peeks her head around the door. She gives us a smile until she notices the food on the bed and then frowns at us. "How many times have I told you Lacey that you can't bring food upstairs. Remember what happened last time, you got all your food all over your bed covers." She scolds me, I can see from the corner of my eye, that Olivia is trying hard not laugh at me. She is hiding behind her pizza.

"Sorry." I mumble, taking another bite of my pizza, not really paying attention to her.

It was a one time thing, getting food on my covers and my parent act like I do it all the time.

"You never learn." She informs me, it's probably because I don't listen.

Whatever, we are teenagers, as are meant to not follow your ever order.

Her eyes scan the room before she leaves; she doesn't hesitate to give the boys both 'warning looks' to be behave.

Once she goes, we all burst out laughing. "Did she see the way she gave me and Toby warning looks like we will do something bad. Like I ain't even dating your daughter." He exclaims, flicking his head back, leaning his head on the sofa bed.

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