Chapter 29: How Many Onesie's Do I Actually Need?

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A/N: Before I start this chapter I just want to say we will be staying on the same day for about three chapters or four. Happy reading.


Chapter 29: How Many Onesie's Do I Actually Need?

(Seven Months, One Week Pregnant - 16th February 2016.)

"You ready to go in a minute?" My Mother asks me, sitting down on the sofa next to me, arranging the pillows on the sofa. I hit pause on 'Scream Queens', getting up from the sofa and throw the remote on the sofa.

Walking away from the sofa, I quickly make my way upstairs and into my room. Opening up the wardrobe door, I grab my converse out and throw them onto my bed. Gripping the side of the wardrobe for support, I then take a seat on the bed.

My Mother comes into my room and bends down by my bed, she raises her head so our eyes are locked into place. She grabs one of my converse from the sofa and places it onto the floor. "Put your foot in here, I will do your shoes for you as you properly can't bend down." She informs me, giving me a smile.

I place my left foot into the shoe and she ties my converse together. After she has done this, she grabs the other shoe off the bed and I place my other foot into the other pair of converse. "Look all done, I had to get my friends to do this for me when I was pregnant as your Father wasn't there for me." She informs me, getting up from the floor, she grabs my hands and pulls me up to my feet.

"Thanks." I say, as my Mother walks away. "Oh Mom, before you go, has Dad tried to contact you in any way?" I ask her, grabbing my jacket from the wardrobe and my bag, I place the jacket over my cold arms and exit the room. My Mother closes the door behind us.

"Yes he has, he wants to take you out tonight?" My Mother tells me as we walk downstairs.

I let out a sigh and a groan. Hanging my head low, I stretch my arms out and carry on walking downstairs.

Once I get downstairs, my Mother has already put her coat on and she is waiting by the door. "Now are you ready to go?" I ask her, opening up my bag, I place my phone inside.

"Yes I am, come on I don't have all day." She sarcastically says, opening the door, she unlocks her car and gets into the driving seat, I get in the passenger side and sit down.


"So I know some stuff that the twins need such as: clothes, bottles and changing stuff. However, as you have had three children before, can you tell me please what I am missing?" I ask her, walking into Mother-care with my Mother.

"Yes you are right. You need clothes, bottles and changing stuff however, you cannot get just one lot of clothes, you need a lot of clothes for the twins. Also you need bottles, a lot of bottles for the twins. I know you lot needed a lot of bottles however, as you are having twins. You will need a lot of bottles." She speaks, getting her phone out of her bag.

Unlocking her phone, she opens the Notes and she types away quickly. "I will make a list in Notes and hopefully we can get a lot of stuff today." She tells me, she passes me her phone and I scan my eyes over the list.

"Who is paying? Like I can pay for some stuff but I don't think I can get a lot. Like I have to get cribs, two and one costs a lot of money. Twice the trouble, twice the price." I say to her, checking out the racks for clothes.

"I can pay for a lot of it and for cribs, I have a crib that was used for you, Sophie and Tom. Both of the twins can be put into it. I am going to be a grandmother, I can't believe it. Anyway, what grandmother will I be if I don't get the twins anything?" She asks me, raising her eyebrows.

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