Chapter 14: Sweetie, Why Would You Get Yourself Knocked Up?

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Chapter 14: Sweetie, Why Would You Get Yourself Knocked Up?

(2 Months, 3 Weeks Pregnant - 16th October 2015.)

"Oh my god." I shriek at no one in particular. Grabbing the bottom of my top, I place it over my head and throw it onto my bed. Sighing, I pick up another t-shirt from the chair and try it on. The t-shirt gets stuck just above my stomach area. It's too tight, taking it off and throwing it back onto my bed. My butt lands onto the floor, bringing my knees up to my chest, I place my head onto my knees.

Sighing, a single tear slides down my cheek, and another one until I am full on crying. I was okay just a minute ago and now I am crying wreck, emotions running through me, pregnancy emotions. "Lacey, are you okay?" My Mother asks me, entering the room, she closes the door behind her.

I don't even bring my head up to see who has entered my room because I can't be bothered, not feeling okay, a mixed between sickness and 'I'm all alone in the world' feeling. If that is a feeling at all?

Knowing that I am not alone in the world because I know that I have my family and my friends to keep me afloat and aright. I just feel sad all of a sudden, it must be because of the pregnancy hormones, yes that is what it is. Pregnancy hormones.

"Lacey you okay?" She asks me again, going down to my level, she places a warm hand onto my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"Lacey please, are you okay? Is it is the baby? What's the problem? Please speak to me!" She questions me, lifting my chin up with her fingers. I face her with tears streaming down my face.

Breathing in and breathing out, I wipe my tears away with the back of my hand. "I'm okay. I'm just sad that's all." I inform me.

She gives me a look of sadness. "Oh honey, it will be okay. I can help you. Just please tell me what I can do?" She says to me, taking my hands away from my knees. She holds my hands and kisses both of them.

"It's just that I'm sad as nothing fits me at all. Nothing at all. Not even the maturity stuff that I got from the loft the other day. It's either too big and stretchy or too small." I whine at her, confessing to her that I took her clothes but she doesn't seem that bothered about it, at all which is a good thing.

"We can go shopping for new clothes after school today. I have to take Sophie to the dentist at four o'clock but we can go after that." She says to me, holding my hands and bringing me to my feet. Placing my hands underneath my bump as I don't need to hide it anymore.

"Sorry I cannot do today as I have work, but we go another day." I say to her, walking to my desk by the window and I pick up my History textbook from my desk. Dumping it into my bag.

My room is light blue, the carpet is white, by the door on the right hand side is my double bed (the head of the bed against the wall), and then on the opposite side is my desk and the window above that. By the right side of my bed, is where my Chester draws are located. White with six little draws. Then opposite the draws is where my wardrobe is. All the furniture is white. The colour scheme is white and light blue.

The room is quite small though, it's the smallest in the house as Sophie and Tom share and so does my parents. I don't know where the twins will go when they are born. But I can pass that bridge when I get there.

"Okay we can go another day if you would like to." She says to me, making her way to out of the bedroom. She looks around my bed, noticing the clothes and gives me a small smile.

"Sure, okay." I reply, looking at myself in the mirror. I still don't know what to wear though. I walk back to my wardrobe, scanning the wardrobe until I can see a top that may fit me. Yanking the piece of clothes off the hanger, I pull it over my head, trying it on.

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