Chapter 07: Will You?

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Chapter 07: Will You?

(1 Month, 3 Weeks Pregnant - September 14th 2015.)

"Bye Mom, bye Jack." I say to them, grabbing my black tasselled clutch bag from the island.

Phone - check.

Lipstick - check.

Phone charger - check.

Money - check.

Headphones - check.

Keys - check.

I zip the bag back up as I now know that I have everything in there that I may need. I try and remember to bring my phone charger with me wherever I go just in case my phone dies.

"Bye, make sure you are back by midnight. Don't do anything that you aren't supposed to do. Don't take drinks off strangers and stay close to your friends." She says, giving me a lecture. "Have you made the extra bed up in your room?" She asks, hitting pause on the TV with the remote control.

"Yes I won't Mom." I whine. But I can have sex as the legal age is sixteen and I am seventeen. So technically she can't say no to me having a child, well children. "Yes I have made up the bed. A bed on the floor." I tell her, walking into the room. Giving her a quick kiss on the check.

I make my way to the door before she says anything else to me.

"The boys can go on floor." Jack interrupts. Yeah sure whatever, they can sleep on the floor. I walk back into the living room, so I can hear what he is saying.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I whisper under my breath but Jack has heard and he raises an eyebrow at me. I just give him a quick smile, walking off.


As soon as have entered Amy's house about twenty minutes ago, I have developed a headache from the loud music blaring through the speakers around the room.

Amy's house is quite big with six bedrooms and a gym. An open plan downstairs. As you enter the house, the kitchen is located on the left hand side with a big island area where people eat. Then the rest of the large room is dedicated to the living area. There are two big sofas (quite low down, but deep) so when you sit in it, you instantly collapse into the sofa.

It's dark at the moment but only the kitchen lights on, none of the living room lights are on. It's dark where we are currently standing by the front door. Adam is protecting Olivia by placing his arm around her torso, this also warns off any males who want to do something bad to Olivia. Also it shows that Olivia is off limits if Adam is protecting Olivia.

They are so cute together. Toby is next to me.

"I'm so glad you could make it." Chloe screeches, hugging me and then Olivia. Giving a quick kiss to the boys on their checks which me and Olivia give her a death glare back.

Olivia is possessive over Adam and I don't like people kissing or touching Toby even though we aren't dating. I hope that changes though, I can see us turning into more then friends. I hope anyway.

"You want a drink?" She asks Toby, gripping his wrists. He just shakes his head which Chloe gasps at. "Oh why you liked a drink when you were over at mine last time." She comments, flicking her blonde her over her shoulders.

When was he at hers?

A pang of jealously forms in my stomach. I'm guessing the babies don't like their father getting flirted up by an idiot.

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