Chapter 34: The Name Of The Game.

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Chapter 34: The Name Of The Game.

"What about Adam?" Adam suggests, I just roll my eyes at his comment and Olivia throws a pillow towards him as well. Adam catches the pillow and leans his head onto the pillow, rubbing his temples at the same time.

"No that's crap, what about Callum for the boy and Kelsi for the girl?" Charlie suggests to me, flipping through a 'You' magazine. I nod my head and look towards Evie who is plaiting her hair on the side of her shoulder, bringing out her inner beauty.

"That's okay but we really don't have a choose in the matter, the choose is down to Lacey and Toby, not anyone else. It's their kids after all." Dave whispers to no one in particular and I nod my head. That is right, they can have an input into the name choosing but then, we have to choose the names as we are the parents. But I don't know why he said that for, I think he needs more sleep. Dave continues to play COD on the x-box as I carry on with the homework that my teachers set me a while back.

"What do you think babe?" Toby questions me, he quickly whips his head around to face me, giving me raised eyebrows. I just shrug my shoulders with a confused look upon my face.

"What do I think about what?" I ask quickly, continuing to do my homework, the homework that should have been given in weeks ago but with recent events that have happened I could not do the work so I am doing the work now; in hopes to catch up.

"The names darling, what do you like?" Toby tells me as he continues to play COD, watching the TV like a howk. We are all lazing around on the sofa, like you should do on a Sunday afternoon. Either playing COD or just generally chatting about recent events that have happened in school. Apparently everyone is talking about me and the fact that I have had the twins early, all the gossips must be having a field day. I am still dressed in my pj's as I don't want to change and the rest of the guys and gals are dressed in normal clothes, the gang from school are around, they have brought the kids a little something that made me cry as I can't see them all the time or hold them. My hormones are high all the same at the moment.

We went to visit them earlier at the hospital but that was only for a short period of time as the visiting hours draw to a close and we had to go, another day gone and another day with no names getting put to their adorable faces.

"I don't know, all I know is that I need to continue to do work, I need to get this work done. Then I can think of names but at the moment, I can't think." I let out, screeching out those words. I am really stressed out at the moment and all I want to do is go see my twins and come up with a names for them.

I don't want to do my work, I just want my work to be done so I can go see my twins. I just want to take them home.

"Okay we can leave you alone for a bit to do your work." Evie states and continues to stare into her compact mirror, applying bright red lip gloss. I don't remember the last time that I have worn makeup as it has been a long time.

"Yep good choice." I finally say.


"Babe, babe, get up." I wail to Toby, shaking his body a little bit, trying to get him to wake up. His eyes quickly open and he gets up from the lying down position so he can sit up. He stares into my eyes, panic mirrors upon his golden features.

"What, what is going on? Are you hurt? Is it the twins, are they okay?" He quickly asks in about ten seconds, he gets up from the bed, throwing the covers off his body and he grabs his trousers off the chair by my bed.

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