A Little Extra: Lacey's Little Space.

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Thank you for sticking with me through this journey.

I have got an editor who is going to edit this story for me so it should be done soon, thank you ElexisWollam for editing this story. Also you should go and check out her books, she's an amazing writer and good friend on here, so thanks ElexisWollam .

Thank you for everyone who voted/commented and read this book.

I have really enjoyed writing this story and I am excited to what is going to happen with my characters in the future. If you want something to happen, a character giving birth, if you have any ideas then leave a comment or just direct message me.

I am going to write a sequel, it should be up in the next couple of weeks but I will keep you posted. If you have any questions for me to answer them leave a comment down below or direct message me and I will answer your questions.


The sequel is called Unfolding The Unplanned and it's on my profile if you want to check it out.

The link to the sequel: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/61634656-unfolding-the-unplanned


A Little Extra: Lacey's Little Space (A Week After The Last Chapter - Epilogue).

My fingers hovering over the keyboard, still undecided whether or not I should continue or not.

Placing one hand back onto the mouse, I minimise the site and continue to finish off my essay. At the moment, it has took me about forty minutes to write two paragraphs as I keep getting interruptions from the twins and the fact that I actually don't want to do the essay doesn't help. But I need to do the essay and then I am done with Heath and Social.

However, my mind is on other things such as writing a blog post. I have been thinking a lot in the last week about blogging and vlogging.

In the last week, I have vlogged everyday for about 10-13 minutes each day and while the twins have been asleep, so have I.

So after I have completed my last essay, then I can edit all of the footage and put it onto YouTube. I am not sure though if I want the stress of blogging as well but my English teacher back in year 11 said I have a natural talent for writing so there is no harm in trying, right?


Two hours later, after feeding the twins and spending time with them, I have finally finished my essay and just submitted it to my teacher.

Finally, I have finished secondary school forever and I cannot be more happier. I didn't think that my life will be like this, I didn't think that my life will turn out like this however, I would never change it for the world. I bloody love my twins.


{|}Two Days Later{|}

It has took me so long to edit the footage and I still have to edit the yesterday's footage. I have decided for that week of footage that took me two whole days to write, I am going to put it into one vlog and then the rest of the footage can all go into separate, one day videos, similar to the SacconeJolys.

Opening up my YouTube channel that I made earlier, it's the same name as my website which is called Lacey's Little Space, I upload the footage from last week.

Now I have to wait for comments, while I do this, I will go and continue to watch How To Get Away With Murder with Toby. Closing my laptop screen, I place it onto the side next to me and snuggle up against Toby.

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