Chapter 27: Falling Behind.

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A/N: Before this chapter starts, I just want to tell you that this chapter and the next couple will be shorter than the rest. Happy reading :)


Chapter 27: Falling Behind.

(6 Months Pregnant -17th January 2016.)

Okay Lacey, you can do this. All you need to do is revise this, once you have done this then you can have a break and move onto your next piece of work. On your break, you can do your Health and Social which you need to give in tomorrow.

Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness but I don't care, I know I am turning insane due to revising. Today, all I have done is revision for my exams. My exams are starting tomorrow and I feel that I haven't done much revision so far. One half of me thinks that I have done quite a lot of revision and that I am ready for the set of exam's that will be coming my way but the other half of me thinks I won't do very good at all. That part of me is beating the other part as I think I will fail.

Waking up at six o'clock to get to work for half six until half twelve, was not on my agenda. Coming back, I grabbed some food which consisted of a sandwich with chicken and tomato ketchup on. After I ate, I went straight to my room to revise. Everyone is out, they went to town to get some new school trousers for Tom I think.

Basically I am bored as f*ck and I need to have a break but I don't have any time to have a break due to needing to revise for my exams, my mocks, not the real thing. I don't know what I will look like (mentally) when the real exams are near. I have to revise for: Biology, Film Studies and History. Adding onto this, I need to do some work for Health and Social care later on which is due for tomorrow.

You may be thinking at the moment, why the hell have I left all my work to the last minute but I haven't. I have had loads of homework for my subjects over the last couple of weeks since Christmas and each work has taken quite a long time to complete. So no to your question, I haven't slacked off, I have tried very hard to get my work done on time.

Trying to get my work done on time causes me to get stressed out, really easily. When I get stressed out, I can't eat that well. Well I can eat and I have been eating due to the children and that food keeps me alive. But after I have finished eating, my stomach kills. It hurts, I can only describe the pain in a way that I have eaten something bad. So that puts me off eating but I cannot stop eating due to needing food to keep me alive and the children need food; I need to eat for three people.

Sighing, I rack a hand through my already messy hair and push the chair away from the table. Picking up my feet, I swivel around on my chair, focusing on the tiny little circles that are forming around my eye sight.

As I stop, I am now facing the window; I let out a sigh and swivel around again. I do this again for the next couple of times until I get bored and I let a sigh escape my lips. Licking my lips, I face the window, getting slightly cold; I walk over to the window and shut it, as I am now cold.

I haven't spoken to my Dad since well, years ago. He hasn't tried to communicate with me since he has moved back, my Mother told me that he moved into his new house two days ago. Since two days ago, I have been anxious when the phone rings just in case it's my Father.

I don't want him to contact me, well I would prefer for him to not contact me forever really but I know that won't happen. I think that he wants to speak to me but at the moment, I feel that he is focusing on moving home.

Noticing the clock on the wall, letting out a squeal, I head back to the desk - ready to carry on my homework. I need to do a lot of work tonight so I can hand in my course work tomorrow and I don't have to worry about it while I have my exams. However, I may still get course work from health and social though but at least I would have caught up with the work that I have to do before then, right?

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