Chapter 12: Mr and Mrs Smith.

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Chapter 12: Mr and Mrs Smith.

(Two Months, Two Weeks Pregnant - October 10th 2015.)


"What's the matter?" My Mother asks me, entering the room, she gives Olivia a sympathy look and I unwrap my arms from her. "You can tell me anything, darling. You are practically a daughter." She says which makes me happy. She treats Olivia as her daughter.

"I'm pregnant." She confesses to my Mother.

"Oh darling." My Mother says, opening her arms to Olivia and giving her a hug.

"I'm scared." She whispers into my Mothers back.

"It will be okay, come through and sit with us and tell me everything." She informs her, releasing Olivia from her grasp. Olivia wipes her eyes with the back of her hand and picks up her bag from the floor.

I, Olivia and my Mother walk into the dining room together. I and my Mother take a sit where we sat earlier and Olivia takes a seat in the empty seat which happens to be next to me. I try and give her a small smile but all she does is shrug.

Jack gives Olivia a plate, placing it in front of her. "Thanks." She mutters and starts to eat the food.

"You ready to talk." I whisper to her, I don't want to say it just in case my Mother hears and she wants Olivia to talk when she is not ready to.

She sighs and whips her head to face me. "I think so." She says.

My Mother clears her throat and sips her glass of water. Placing it back down, she opens her mouth and speaks. "So what happened?" she questions Olivia with a small smile plastered on her face.

So does that mean she isn't mad or anything in Olivia?

So does that mean when I tell her she won't be mad at me?

"I don't want to say that everything is okay when it isn't. I am not mad at you, I am just disappointed that you could get pregnant at such a young age. I can't really talk anyway as I got pregnant at such a young age too but I thought you may have learnt from the likes of Teen Mom or a silly programme like that." My Mother lectures Olivia, I did not see that coming at all.

She continues, Olivia's looks sad with her watery eyes and bloodshot eyes with puffy cheeks. "I can see now that you are getting scared of what is going to happen. I know how you feel, I was in your shoes once and I have learnt from my mistakes." Once the last sentence leaves her mouth, I feel like someone has stabbed me in the stomach with a knife as that last comment hurt my feeling, does she mean I am a mistake because she had me at such a young age?

"No, no. that's not what I mean Lacey, I don't think you are a mistake at all. I am just saying I have learnt from my mistakes." She says, looking at my face as a single tear leaves my left eye. "I'm sorry Lacey, you know I never thought you were a mistake that just went out my mouth all wrong. I am so sorry." She says.

Dam those hormones, they just come and hit me when I least realise it. "Whatever." I mumble under my breath.

"Anyway, I don't want you to go away and feel horrible now. You can stay here if your parents kick you out and I am always here for you if you need me. Now please can you tell me what happened?" She asks Olivia, cutting up her chicken into smaller pieces.

I place a piece of chicken into my mouth and continue to listen to Olivia and my Mother talking as I don't want to interrupt in her conversation. "It all started this morning when I was being sick due to morning sickness. After that, my Mother came into the room as I didn't lock the door as well I needed to be sick. She asked me why I was sick and then I just said I ate something bad. She didn't believe me." She tells us, putting chips into her mouth.

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