Chapter 28: Exams.

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Chapter 28: Exams.

(Six Months, One week Pregnant – 18th January 2016.)

"Lacey, I am getting more worried as the time goes on. I am so scared, I am not sure how much more I can take before I have a breakdown." Olivia huffs and puffs against our locker, her back pressed against the cold locker. She waves her hand in front of her face, trying to keep her breathing at a steady pace. Her checks have turned a slight shade of red, the rest of her face is pale.

"Olivia, you need to calm down. You are going to get yourself worked up. It isn't good for you or the baby, you need to try and calm down." I inform her, taking her hand in mine, I give it a squeeze for reinsurance.

"I can't." She answers, fanning herself, as she tries to calm down her nerves. I don't think it is going to work though.

"Yes you can, just breath in and out. I can help you out if you want to. So let's do it, breathe in and out, and breathe in and out." I say to her, she starts to breathe in and out at a slower pace than before. "Yes you are doing it. That is good Olivia. You are doing it okay." I say to her, giving her a smile.

We do a breathing exercise a couple more times until her breathing is at a good pace again. I am happy that Olivia's breathing is back to normal, I don't want her to have a panic attack, that isn't good for her or the baby.

We place our stuff in our locker and make our way to the exam room, my nerves have kicked up a gear as we make our way downstairs. Gripping onto the banister as we make our downstairs, just in case I fall down the stairs, which I don't want to do.

"I can do this, yes I can." Olivia tries to reassure herself as we sit down on the seat, putting my pencil case on my lap. Olivia puts her hair in a ponytail.

Trying to get comfy in my seat, I cross my legs first but that doesn't work so I try to cross the other one but it doesn't work either. I still don't feel comfy so I decide to stretch my legs forward, leaning my back against the chair. My lower back is not against the chair though, but I am getting more comfy in this position.

We sit like this for the next ten minutes until it is nearly time to go in, I clasp my hands together and un-clasp them. "Okay right, you lot can go in now." An examiner comes into the hall, clip board in hand as she points to the room. Students get up from their seats and make their way into the room, I get up from the seat and walk into the exam room with my pencil case clutched under my grip, but before I do so, I give Olivia a quick smile. Mentally telling her 'good luck.'

Scanning the rows, I find my name tag and walk over there. Scratching my neck, I let out a sigh and make my way over to the table with the name tag on.

Taking the chair from the table, I take a seat on it and push my body towards the table. Getting my pen from the pencil case, I place it back down on the table.

Flicking my eyes to the clock, I notice that the exam is about to start, I breathe in and out slowly, trying to settle the butterflies in my stomach. Racking a hand through my hair, I pull my hair to the left side of my face. Grabbing the hair tie from my wrist, I quickly braid my hair on the left hand side of my face. Once I have done this, I notice that everyone has now sat down in their seats, ready to start the exams.

The examiners make their way to the front of the hall, one of them speaks, "Okay everyone, good luck at your exams. Just make sure that you have the correct exam paper and if you haven't got the write paper then please inform one of us." The examiner women announces, I check the exam paper and make a mental note in my head that I have the right exam paper.

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