Chapter 11: What Would They Think Of Me?

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Chapter 11: What Would They Think Of Me?

(Two Months, Two Weeks Pregnant - October 10th 2015.)

"Lacey can you please put the laundry in and do the dishwasher while we are out please?" My Mother asks by, standing next to my laptop, hands on her hips.

"Sure, whatever." I mumble, not really paying attention to her as my eyes are too focused on my laptop screen. I am about one episode away from finishing season one of Orange Is The New Black and only have about three pieces of homework that I haven't even started yet. Its all due for tomorrow but its ten o'clock so I have the rest of the day to do the things that are on my list to do today.

She waves her hand in front my laptop which results in my sighing and running my hand through my hair in frustration. "Lacey you are not listening at all, are you?" She suggests. Taking the headphones off, I give her the attention that she wants.

"Yes." I simply reply.

"Don't give me lip. Just please put the laundry in and do the dishwasher while we are out getting the rest of the shopping that didn't come. Also Tom needs new school shoes as his shoes got stolen last week." She moans, she gives me a quick smile, walking out of the living room.

As she is out of sight, I put the headphones back over my ears and press play on Netflix's.

"Lacey don't forget to do the things that I told you do please. If you don't you won't be able to go on your laptop later." She informs me, screaming from the front door. She screams so loudly that I can hear it over my headphones.

"Yes sure, I won't." I mumble again, focusing back to the screen.


The credits roll as the episodes finish. Sighing again, rubbing my stomach, I take the headphones off my head and throw them on the sofa.

Getting up from the sofa, I grab my phone from the side table, once I have unlocked it, I go to the music and press play. Bending over the side table, I press the 'on' button on the sound system. Connecting my phone to the sound system via Bluetooth. Sam Smiths beautiful voice fills the room.

Walking upstairs to the laundry basket on the landing, I open the lid, throwing it on the floor. Getting all the laundry from the basket. I separate them into piles - blue, black, white, pink. I grab the largest laundry which is the blues and put them into the basket.

I place my hands onto the wall as I feel sick, food turning in my stomach. Rising up into my throat, I make a line to the bathroom. Opening the lid, I empty the content of my stomach down the toilet. Lifting down the lid, I flush the toilet. Making my way to the sink, turning the tap, I start to wash my hands under the hot tap. Sticking soap on my hands, rinsing the soap off my hands. After I have dried them, I make my way back to hall.

I grab the basket and make my way downstairs. Holding the basket above my head as I don't want it to touch my stomach.

Walking over to the washing area, I bend down, placing the basket down onto the floor. I open the washing machine door. Placing the washing into the dark component, closing the door and setting the dial to the right temperature.

Right, the next task that I need to do is empty and fill the dishwasher. Walking back into the kitchen, I open the dishwasher. The warm heat coming from the dishwasher. I open the bottom section, getting the warm plates from rack. I walk over to where the plates are kept, opening the cupboard, I place them on top of the rest of the plates.

Walking back to the dishwasher, I sing along to the song, "Why are you looking down all the wrong roads? When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul." I continue to take the cutlery from the dishwasher and put them away in the right drawer. By the way, it's Sam Smith - Like I Can.

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