6• I Think I Like Her

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You and gotta worry

It's an open invitation

I'll be sitting right here real patient

All day, all night I'll be waiting standby

Not because I love it

Hate the way I love it

All day, all night

Baby I'm addicted for life, no lie


Selena Gomez

Anabella's POV

The "date" wasn't like a date where you go to the movies or to some fancy restaurant. It was in an abandoned warehouse. And to be honest, it wasn't bad at all.

After saying goodbye to my new friends, Jacob decided to take me home. I was glad that he was being so nice. And for a bad boy, he was too nice.

"So, have a boyfriend?" He asks me.

"No, actually not at the moment." I say.

"Well are you looking for one?" He asks me. Is he gonna ask me out?

"Maybe." I say.

"Cool, maybe we could get together more and solve that problem." He says throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"We'll see about that." I say attempting to flirt and be sexy. I didn't know of I was doing a really good job.

Jacob's POV

What the hell was I doing? I'm making things worst. To be honest, I think I like her. I'm just worried about her safety. I want her. I want her to be mine. But I don't think I'm right for her.

I walk her home. "How about we meet up after school tomorrow. Probably at the Freezey Shack." She asks me. She doesn't even know that I'm not in school. No one knows but my gang. How am I gonna tell her?

"Um...sure." I say.

"'That way you can meet MY friends." She says with a smile.

"Sounds good." I say with a smirk. When we arrive at her place, I notice a dude sitting on her porch with a beer.

"Bye." She says and pecks me on the cheek. In a bit surprised by this.

"See ya." I say. The guy, a little older than me, looks at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. I smirk back and then quickly look away.

I walk back to the warehouse to be with the guys again. We were going to see a dog fight. I agreed to go only if it wasn't too long.

When I got back, all the guys were ready for the fight to begin. "Yo, your chic is hot man." Dre says.

I roll my eyes and grab a beer from the nearby cooler. I take a seat next to Ty and Dawson and pop the cap off my beer.

"Let the fight....BEGIN!!!" The bald dude with the microphone said. There is always a host for fights. I watched the fight and when one dog finally died, I decided to leave before the next fight began. I was actually hungry and tired.

I left the warehouse and walked home. Ty decided to leave to. He said that he wanted to go to his cousins' house for a kid's birthday party. "So...Anabella. Are you two together?" He asks me. I look over at him and light a cigarette.

"Not really. I wanna protect her. You know, all the shit that happens to us with our rival gangs can always bring harm to her." I explain.

"I know man but that shouldn't stop you from having a girl of your own." He tells me.

Maybe he's right. I haven't dated anyone since two years ago with my ex Tess. She was like me; smoked, drank, all that stuff. But she was a bitch and wasn't faithful to our relationship so I dumped her.

"I attempted to ask her to be my girl today. I didn't wanna move to fast. And I didn't want to make a mistake." I say.

"Well then, make your move!" Ty yells.

"Whatever man. Don't rush me." I say while swatting my hand.

I reach my house and me and Ty do our "gang handshake" goodbye. I walk into my room. I lay, facing the ceiling, on my bed and close my eyes.

I think about Anabella, her killer smile and long, silky brown hair. I can't believe in acting all mushy over someone. Ughh. I hate it. But at the same time, I think I like it.


Sooooooo. What Did You Guys Think?!? I Left You Guys With A Cliffhanger. c;

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