12• Do Over

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Jacob's POV

Mike is out of the hospital but he still has to take it easy. He was stabbed in the rib and its a miracle that he isn't dead. We still didn't find the son of a bitch who did this to him.

I have nothing to do so I decided to go to Ana's house. I wanna hang out.

I knock on the door to her house and a guy around our age answers. Is that her boyfriend or something. "Who are you?" He asks.

"Jacob. I'm here to talk to Ana." I say in a rough voice.

"Mm, what do you want my girlfriend for." He says. Why would she kiss me if she had a boyfriend? What the fuck!

"Nothing." I say and start walking away.

"Damon who is it?" I hear Ana's voice say as she approaches us.

"Jacob. Hey." She says.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." I say angrily.

"I don't." She says she looks at the guy, Damon.

"What the hell Damon?" She says with a laugh. She playful smacks his arm.

"Meet my brother, Damon. He was just kidding." She says.

"Oh." I say. I feel stupid. As soon as she said that, I noticed the resemblance.

"Hey man, gotta stick up for your little sister." He says.

"Yea." I say softly. I walked in and took a seat on the couch.

"Hey sis I'm going to Lea's. Don't do what I won't do." He says ruffling her hair.

"Damon...what WON'T you do?" She asks and fixes her hair back.

"I don't know sis." He says before leaving the house. Ana walks over to the fridge and takes out two sodas.

"Don't you have any...beer." I ask.

"Um...my brothers'." She says.

"Can I have that instead." I say putting on a smirk. She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Whatever." She says. He gets me a beer and hands it to me. I open it and take a sip.

"So...what's up?" She asks me, "I know you didn't just come for a beer."

"Well no...I wanted to hang out." I say.

"Oh nice. Wanna help me study?" She asks. I tense up. She doesn't know that I dropped out.

"Um, I'm not smart." I say.

"Well I didn't wanna study anyway. Wanna go to the mall?" She asks.

"Okay." I say. She ran upstairs to get something. She came back down with a leather jacket on and some red converse. She actually looks like a biker girl.

"You look like your in my-"I stopped myself. I didn't want to tell her that I was in a gang. Not yet.

"I look like what?" She asked with a chuckle.

"You look tough." I say. Saved! She smiles.

"Maybe I am." She says. I grin and we walk out the door. When we get to the mall, I get a little uncomfortable. This wasn't my usual hangouts. The Rejects usually hung out in abandoned places.

"Wanna get something to eat?" She asks me.

"Sure." I say. We get some pizza and relax a bit. This is time for a do over. I wanna try this again. But I don't want to do it right away. I really don't know what the fuck to do!

Anabella's POV

We talked about me being drunk and about ourselves. Surprisingly, I found out a lot about Jacob. He isn't just a bad boy, he draws and does stuff a normal teen does.

We finish eating, we decided to go to the photo booth. I insisted though he just wanted to leave. I guess this just wasn't his scene.

We took a few pictures; silly faces, serious faces, kissy faces, and regular smiles. After we finished, we took the two strips of photos and left.

"That was fun." I say.

"Sure." He says. As I was about to walk inside my house, I feel him grab my arm. I turn to face him and gaze into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Anabella...would you be my girl?" He asks me. I blush. Today was a very good day. Jacob and I had fun together. For once, with a guy, I felt like I was enjoying myself. Like I was safe with him.

"Yes." I say with a smile. I guess his do over finally paid off.


To Be Honest....I Thought This Chapter Was Pretty Shitty. If You Liked This Your Awesome.

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