29• Being Upset But Fixing Mistakes

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Oh if I our go back in time

When you only held me

In my mind

Just a lonely gone without a trace

Oh I wish I never, ever seen your face

I wish you were the one

Wish you were the one

That got away

The One That Got Away


Ana's POV

I was so angry with Jacob. He hurt Dean. Even through this pregnancy thing, Dean and I have been best friends for as long as my mind can remember.

We went home and Dean offered to stay. No one but us two and Jacob know about this. We waited; I looked out the window at the falling raindrops. Dean sat on my bed with his face in his palm.

"Dean I'm so sorry." I say and put an arm on his shoulder. He looks at me with reddish eyes.

"Don't be. I'm the one who kissed you. I'm the one who slept with you. My jizz is what might have made you possibly pregnant. So don't be mad." He says and puts a thumb on my cheek to wipe the tears now falling down my cheeks.

"I'm the one who's sorry." He says and hugs me. "I should've been more careful. I just...I'minlovewithyou." He says quickly. What did he say?

"Please repeat that." I say. "Clearly this time."

"Ana." He says. "I'm in love with you." My jaw nearly fall to the floor. Is he serious?

"Seriously?" I ask.

"I'm serious." He says. "But I don't want that ruining our friendship. It's just not worth the risk."

"Dean." I say and put my hand on his cheek. "I don't want it ruining our friendship either. We knew each other too long."

"Yea." He says and I hug him again. We hug for a little and then my cell rings. I nearly vomit all over him. I stand up and walk over to it.

"Hello." I answer, my voice quivering violently.

"Ms. Jean?" The person asks.

"That's me." I say.

"I'm afraid that...you're not pregnant." The person says. I smile and can barely get my words out.

"T-thank you." I say and hang up. I walk over to Dean and he looks at me carefully

"Well...I guess I'm not pregnant." I say with a cheer. He smiles and laughs at me. I pull him into a hug and we stay that way for a little while. This is better than anything I could've asked for. Being pregnant meant that I was giving up college. Giving up becoming a veterinarian.

But now that that's settled. I don't have to worry any more. With all this excitement, I still felt like something was missing. Something that I knew should e here but I didn't know what it was exactly. Or more like WHO it was.

Dean left and I decided to stay in my room and celebrate with a big bag of kettle corn and some Spongebob re-runs.

Jacob's POV

I love her. I really love her. Something that I never thought I'd say. I never told anyone that I loved them. Especially a girl who broke up with me, slept with her best friend, and might be pregnant with his seed.

But I don't care. I love her. She means everything to me. I just don't think I can say it. I don't think I'm able to say it to her. I don't believe in love. Yet...I love her. I'm IN love with her.

I want to come clean. I want to let her know how I really feel. But my pride is taking over me. And I can't say what I need to say.

I sat there that night just staring at my ceiling. I didn't leave my house. At all. I stayed in. Not showering. Not talking to anyone. Just smoking and downing bottle after bottle of liquor.

"Jacob, open the door." Keith says. I feel like openin the door and punching him. That's another way I release my anger. Fighting.

But he's my brother. He's not worth hurting over my anger and depression. Yea. I'm depressed. Haven't you noticed?

Then it hits me. What the hell am I doing in bed? Thinking about the girl of my dreams when I could go see her right now. She might hate me right now but I need her. I need to see her.

I grab my things, shower, and leave. I run to her house without stopping. Then I finally reach and I peer up at her window to see that it's dark. I climb the tree and also notice that he window was...open? What a coincidence.

I climb through and by my surprise she isn't there. But as I set foot in her room, her bedroom door opens. There she is, standing there with her mouth hanging open. She purses her lips and looks at me with angry eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asks bitterly.

"I-I came to apologize." I say.

"Leave. I have nothing to say to you." She says in the same bitter tone. She closes her door and sits on her bed.

"Ana I'm so sorry. I can't be without you another day. I really can't." I say.

"Jacob. I..." She trails off. That's where the conversation began. Where the mistakes were starting to be fixed.


Dun dun dunnnnnn! What did you think? Ya like? Please leave comments. I say it every week but I still don't hear what you have to say. So lemme know. Thx my little freaks!

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