Chapter Nine ☾

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The transportation tunnel pulled us upward with a strong pull. The tunnel is clear with small multicolored specks. The sea and ground beneath us was a complete blur, but I could make out that it was there. The soft buzzing sound, which was similar to insects that hummed near sweet flowers, guided us through the tunnel. 

The sound suddenly intensified and I heard a loud ringing vibrate in my ears. Due to the sound being amplified has caused me to assume that Mother's friend extended the transportation spell. Asher's transportation magic is not very long range. His transportation magic would have landed us somewhere in Are, which would have caused a longer journey. 

I am grateful to Mother's friend for decreasing the duration of our journey. While I am uncertain of what lies ahead once I reach The Old Forrest, I do not want to prolong our journey. Once I reach my destination and meet my soon-to-be husband I will know the truth that has been hidden from me. A narrow soft blue light appeared ahead. The light illuminated the narrow path toward the tunnel's exit. 

As I walked through the tunnel our surroundings and the exterior of the tunnel began to clear. The blue light glowed slightly before vanishing into the pale blue sky. My eyes adjusted to difference in lighting, and then I was able to take in my surroundings. 

We stood on a brown stone path that is surrounded by large trees. The green tree tops are massive and the wooden trunks appear warn with age. Occasional wildflowers and small rocks appear near the trees. The wildflowers cause small specks of color to brighten up the forrest floor. 

Azalea attempted to steady herself but nearly tripped on an large uneven stone. Callen grabbed a hold of her hand, and then pulled her close to his muscular chest. "Thank you for helping me Callen" said Azalea in a soft voice. Callen simply nodded, "You are welcome. Let me know if you feel unwell." Azalea nodded and her cheeks slightly began to flush. "Yes I will" she said while turning to look at Asher and I. 

"We are currently in Orion and on well know, yet safe path. The path leads directly to the Old Forrest" said Asher before including, " I believe the path is a well know trade route." Our current location seems like one Mother would have chosen. Orion is a natural land and is often used for travel. It is after than traveling on another lands territory.

 I would not wish to travel in Blazen. I have heard that the Southern land has an intense climate with heat that burns the skin like fire. The people of Blazen have fiery personalities and a need to fight due to being angered quickly. The people of the Southern land are similar to the land they inhabit. Our current location is the safest known area in the realm that leads to The Old Forrest. 

"Lady Celinette mentioned we can purchase horses further down the path" said Callen. We took a moment to adjust from the teleport and began to walk down the path. Azalea and I stood in-between Asher and Callen. I stood next to Callen while Azalea stood next to Asher. 

Prior to our departure we had decided on our background story while traveling. Asher and Azalea will pose as siblings due to their similar appearance, while Callen and I will pose as a mated couple. Thankfully, we have a reason for not having undergone the mating ceremony. During the last war my family had lost our savings, which included the dowry and ceremony gown my parents had begun to collect. While, Callen came from a warrior family that required the sons of their house to earn their mating ceremony. 

The occasional sound of birds chirping rang through the forrest and brought life to the path. Callen and Asher spoke in hushed voices regarding our current location. Azalea and I had spoken about the simple beauty that surrounded the stone path. However, my thoughts had caused me to focus on my surrounding. Mother's brief mention that a group of individuals have made it their quest to capture me and use my magic. 

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