Chapter Thirty-four ☾

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The other Rulers had taken the news of the attack well. It is a relief to know that King Lahar shall provide us with additional security.

The door of the meeting hall swings open. The guard near the door announces the arrival of the King of the Lunar Isle. He enters the room followed by several guards.

It is rather odd to see the Queen or one of his children is not by his side. He rarely travels alone, which means there is an issue.

"We are glad that you have arrived safely," said King Lahar.

"Thank you King Lahar. We were attacked while we were attacked prior to reaching Orin. Aside from that issue I have nothing to report," said the king.

"What a coincidence we were attacked in the market recently," said Blyn.

It is rather odd that they were attacked. Our party was attacked in Orin two days ago. Did the Order send people after the King? He is a powerful man and has vast knowledge of the Lunar Isle. There are some aspects about the Isle and it's people that are kept in secret.

"Yes due to the issue of attacks I have ordered my guards to protect each of your parities," states King Lahar.

"I see thank you King Lahar. Carita it is lovely to see you again, and congratulations on your mating. We will miss not having you home for the Night," says the King of the Lunar Isle.

I manage to smile as Blyn holds my hand under the table. The Night is a special time for the Lunar Isle. Our magic and very being is connected to the moon. The entire Isle is surrounded by total darkness during this time.

We believe the Goddess is among us during this time. This shall be my first Night away  from home and I will miss it. However, I have accepted this and hope that my loved ones have a good Night.

"Thank you. I wish you and the people of the Lunar Isle a wonderful Night," I said.

"Thank you my dear," says the King with a smile.

King Lahar nods after we exchange words . " King Balthazar do you have anything you wish to discuss?"

"Yes I have appointmented family members to take charge of new lands and enterprises throughout the realm. Several vendors may change," he states.

"May I ask why the sudden change? There have been common vendors in my land since my fathers time," says King Ekon.

"Unfortunately, some of these vendors were untrustworthy. I understand that you and your people have become accustomed to the previous vendors," replies King Balthazar.

"Do you believe the replaces shall be trustworthy?" questions Blyn.

"Yes since I have created a new system. A family member of the palace  or chosen unsocial shall supervise the vendor. If questions arise you may contact them," answers King Balthazar.

The meeting continues after King Balthazar speaks. Roark does not provide new information to share. King Lahar raises his hand, which is glowing. His fist slams on the table causing a loud bell to echo throughout the hall.

"This puts an end to our meeting for today. Tomorrow, we shall return to revise the treaty of peace until the next Summit," says King Lahar.

Blyn and I bid farewell to the rulers of the other realms. Roark and father walk beside us. Blyn escorts me to the Inn we are staying at. He informs me that our fathers wish to speak with him. In the meantime I decorated to enjoy a relaxing soak in the bath.

Once I enter the large bath I am surprised to see Estrellia, Azalea and Sirenna. They smile at me as I wave hello. My hand holds onto my towel as I enter the bath.

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