Chapter Twenty-Two ☾

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Asher is currently leaning against the right portion of my body while Callen sits in a chair behind him. Asher's gentle eyes hover over my body while his hands touch pressure points.

"You appear to be in better condition than earlier this morning" comments Asher. He takes his hands off my arm and his eyes move to look into mine. "Does anything hurt or bother you?"

"I do feel better compared to this morning. I simply have a small headache and I feel a little weak " I tell him.

"Well this is typical behavior for the aftermath of your more intense visions. For now the only thing you can do this rest" said Asher.

I awoke in the early morning hours when the sky was still dark. My body trembled after a rather intense vision that occurred during my sleep. Blyn held me during the aftermath of my vision. I usually recall my visions perfectly after they occur however I can barely recall this vision.

When the sun's rays graced the sky Blyn bathed and dressed for the day. He left our bedroom for a short period before returning with Asher, Azalea and Callen. He claimed that he did not wish to leave me alone today but he could not dismiss his duties. Blyn told me to relax while my friends keep me company and that he would return when he could.

Blyn was so sweet and caring after I came to my senses. He held me in his arms before he decided to help me relax. He placed several pillows against the headboard then instructed me to slowly lie down. I held onto his hand as I slowly lowered my body to the soft bed. He smiled at me as he gently squeezed my hand.

After a few moments he moved to get out of bed, which make me grab his hand that was lessening from my hold. He told me that he would only be a minute and I reluctantly let go. As promised he returned shortly with a glass of water. Blyn held my back as he leans the glass against my lips and instructed me to drink. I took small sips of the cool refreshing liquid so that I would not upset my stomach or choke. Once I had my fill he set the glass down then returned to our bed and lay beside me.

"Carita are you well?" asks Callen as he looks at me with worried eyes.

I sigh softly as I turn my head to the side so that I can have a better look at him while I speak. "Yes I am feeling better do not worry. I was simply lost in my thoughts," I tell him.

Callen sighs softly, "You had me worried. It seemed as if you were having another vision".

Asher nods his head in agreement, which made a strand of blonde hair fall against his forehead. "Yes it did appear that way. I do not think your body could handle another vision at the moment".

I yawn as I nod in agreement, "Yes I will admit to being exhausted. However, I cannot control when I have another vision".

Visions can occur at any given moment and without warning. I have had visions occur during my daily life and in my sleep. When I am awake it is easier to determine when a vision is about to occur. I experience a type of intense pull as I am mentally transported into my vision. It is difficult to determine when a vision is about to occur because it blends into the dream.

I know that people who do not have visions would think it is impossible to determine a vision from a dream. That is not the case, especially if you have had visions from a young age as I have. It is rather difficult to explain but a vision during a dream state is very real. However, you feel more at a distance than you would during a vision if you were awake.

Azalea sets the slices apple on my lap and encourages me to eat, saying that it will help me feel better. I nod as I slowly pick up a sliced apple then bring it to my lips. I come to realize that this is the first time the four of us have been in the same room for quite some time. I have been adjusting to my role as Blyn's wife while Azalea assists me when necessary. Asher has been working on collecting medical plants and discussing with Blyn's family doctor about native medical plans and how to properly use them. When Callen is not by my side he trains on the castle grounds.

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