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"Quick introductions, Katniss." Plutarch begun. "These people have come a long way to support the cause."
"This is Cressida." All of our eyes turned to the blonde girl. "In my opinion one of the best up-and-coming directors in the Capitol."
"Until I up and left. Hey."
"Hey." We greeted her back.
"All right. Let's see what you can do." Plutarch told us and with that he left.
"This is my assisant, Messala." Cressida refered to the boy with the many piercings.
"It's an honor to meet you." said Messala to Katniss, mostly.
"And your cameramen over there,Castor."
"And Pollux."he inclined his head and Katniss did it too. Gale and I just stood there like rocks.
"Let's get locked in." said Boggs and everyone took a seat. I sat between Pollux and Katniss.I wanted to talk because the silence was getting on my nerves but I hesitated for a moment.
"You're all from the Capitol? Plutarch got you?"I asked Pollux.
"Don't expect much chitchat from him. He's an Avox. Capitol cut his tongue out years ago."Cressida answered me and I looked back at Pollux to see that he smiled at me. I smiled as well and I looked back at her.
"And no, it wasn't any sort of rescue, if that's what you mean. We all fled on our own. For this. For you"She said the last part looking at Katniss.

We finally arived in District 8.
"This gotta be fast in and out."We walked off the jet and covered ourselves until the plane left.
"Move out!"Boggs said and everyone followed him.
"You're alive then.We weren't sure."a woman told Katniss.
"Katniss, Commander Paylor. District 8."Boggs quickly introduced her. "Katniss has been recovering, but she insisted on coming out and seein' some of the wounded."
"Well, we've got plenty of those."she said.
We followed her to the hospital. Paylor and Boggs opened the curtains and I spotted some dead bodies with flies on them.
"We have a mass grave a few blocks west, but I can't spare the manpower to move them yet. Hospital's past the curtains. Any hope you can give them is worthy. The Capitol's done everything they can to break us."Paylor said and I couldn't forget the fact that there were dead bodies spread all over the ground.
"Aren't you worried about having all your wounded in one place?" Gale asked.
"I think it's better than leaving them to die."she answered him.
"That's not what he meant."I told her understanding that he was referring to the hygienic aspect.
"Well, that's my only other option. You can come up with another, I'm all ears. It's right through there."she said pointing at the curtains and then opening them. Oh,man. Those were many people. Probably more than the whole population of 12.
"Don't film me in there. I can't help them."Katniss said.
"Just let them see your face." Cressida told her and Katniss nodded. She started walking through the hospital but no one noticed her. Suddenly,everyone looked at her direction and stopped what they were doing, standing up. Silence filled the huge room.
"Katniss Everdeen." a woman finally said."What are you doing here?"she asked her.
"I came to see you."Katniss told her.
"What about the baby?"an older woman asked, referring to that lie.
"I lost it."she answered her.
"Are you fighting Katniss?"a wounded boy asked her."You came to fight with us?"
"I am." she said nodding her head."I will."
The boy was the first to do it and then everyone else copied,they put three fingers to their lips and then raised them into the air."Tighter."Cressida whispered to Pollux next to me, making me roll my eyes."Tighter.Tighter."

"Your mother's going to be proud of you when she sees the footage."Gale said.
"Will this play on the Districts?"I asked Cressida.
"It'll be tattooed on their eyes."she answered me.
"There's a problem."Boggs informed us.
"What kinda problem?"I asked him.
"Incoming bombers from the north. We need to find cover now."Boggs answered me.
"There's a bunker in there."Paylor told us. We all run and we heard the siren going off.
"Straight ahead and down the stairs."Paylor told us and we continued our way to the bunker. I saw some people shoot at something and I ran that way.
"Heather!"I heard Gale yelling.
"Heather!"he said but I ignored him.
"Everdeen!Everdeen!"I heard Boggs calling some seconds after.
I bent down and held into a wall watching soldiers firing at the jets. I felt someone grab my back an I knew it was Gale.
"Gale, back away from the wall!"Boggs yelled. But before we could make a move, there was an explosion and I fell back with Gale who was protecting me with his body. I was starting to regain consciousness. I had a terrible headache and the only thing I could hear was a high pitch sound.
"You okay?" someone asked and Gale helped me stand up.
There was a strange sound and I turned around and saw a column fall into the building and breaking the glass.
"Move!"Boggs yelled. Katniss had joined our side. The three of us run to the opposite direction of the team. Katniss and I were behind a wall and were puting out our heads to inspect our surroundings. Ash. Only ash could be seen.
"They're going after something to the south."Gale said putting his head out wanting to look at what we were looking.
"That's towards the hospital."I said and the three of us could see three Capitol jets heading towards the hospital.
"They're circling back around. Come on!"Katniss told us. We ran up some stairs of a now destructed building. We headed to the roof and covered ourselves. We saw the jets firing at something. There was an explosion and then smoke could be seen everywhere. Following the jet was what we decided to do next. One of the jets fired right next to us and soon Gale's arms are wrapped around me and mine around Katniss. We bent down and we turned our attention to the other explosion.
"That's the hospital. They're targeting the hospital."Katniss said, proving right my suspicions and I took hold of my gun. We stood up targeting the 3 jets that were flying above us. We loaded our weapons at the exact same moment and we waited until they were close enough. We fired our weapons and the jets were destroyed. They collapsed into each other and we watched them fall down.
Wait. The hospital. We have to go there right now. Maybe we can save them. I run back down the stairs. As we were back outside the three of us gasped at what we saw. The hospital was literally on fire and our team was in front of it. I run towards the hospital.
"Help them! Help them! Get them out!"I said but Gale came beside me and held my waist with one hand to stop me from going there. Tears were going down my cheeks. I hated how innocent people were always caught in the crossfire.
"Katniss, Katniss, can you tell everyone what you're seeing right now?"Katniss came up beside me. Gale and I left from her shot and I was still in Gale's arms. Crying.
"Katniss,what do you wanna say?"Cressida said pointing towards the camera as Katniss turned around.
"I want the rebels to know that I'm alive. That I'm in District 8 where the Capitol just bombed a hospital filled with unarmed men,women and children. And there will be no survivors. If you think for one second that the Capitol will ever treat us fairly you are lying to yourselves!Because we know who they are and what they do. And we mist fight back!"she said pointing to the destructed hospital."I have a message for President Snow. You can torture us and bomb us and burn our districts to the ground. But do you see that?"she pointed to the fire."Fire is catching. And if we burn,you burn with us!!"she yelled. Here eyes were puffy and red. She fell to her knees and looked at the now destroyed hospital.I buried my head in Gale's chest, memories I had long buried surfacing in my mind.

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